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On 11/18/14 3:21 AM, Stuart Munckton via Marxism wrote:

A delegation of the Party of the European Left (EL), headed by two of its
vice presidents, Margarita Mileva and Maite Mola, returned on November 16
after a four-day visit to Kiev.


This delegation issued a statement that puts the onus of blame on Kyiv. Kyiv should be blamed for its brutal intervention but the primary responsibility for the war in Donbas is with Russia that sought to militarize the conflict initially.

Assuming that Die Linke is the most prominent member of this coalition, it should be noted that Gysi, its leader, characterized the Kyiv government as a fascist threat: http://rt.com/news/merkel-ukraine-answer-sanctions-658/. This is the same Gysi, btw, that was confronted by Max Blumenthal for his pro-Likud politics: http://mondoweiss.net/2014/11/confronted-gregor-gysi.

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