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On Nov 24, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote


Idiots. Speculating about the "probability" of a particular event occurring in a [virtually] infinite population of events (the universe) about which [virtually] nothing is known. The only things we know about the universe are that we and our world exist--and that even were all humans (on the model of so many "scientists") idiotic mechanisms devoid of consciousness, our world nevertheless (despite all our human efforts) still contains huge numbers of highly intelligent conscious organisms (cats, beavers, dolphins, bees, etc., etc.,).

If the rest of the universe is devoid of life and consciousness, the likely explanation would be that it somehow everywhere inevitably generates dominant human-like specieses and therefore the rapid and systematic eradication of life and consciousness.

Shane Mage

"L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce qu'on a apporté."

Bardo Thodol

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