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On 12/7/14 7:24 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

I think it was absolutely wrong to support the Euro-Maidan movement or
to consider supporting the current reactionary regime in Kiev.

That's because you see politics in terms of taking positions. You really need to get past your Coyoacan complex. The notion of issuing communiques defining the correct position that nobody reads except those "in the know" (in other words, Left Trainspotting subscribers) has anything to do with building a vanguard party is ludicrous.

Ukrainians took to the streets in late 2013 because they were sick and tired of corruption, police brutality, economic misery and being under Russia's thumb. It was an important opening for the Ukrainian left just as the Hong Kong protests were for the Chinese left. Mass movements do not come fully developed like Athena, who emerged full-grown from Zeus's forehead. They are often filled with illusions on one thing or another, including the possibility that the EU was the way forward. Our responsibility as revolutionaries is to participate in these movements and help determine a favorable outcome not give them a thumbs up or thumbs down like a critic reviewing a movie.
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