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The New Yorker discusses other reasons many like me won't board a plane again. The main reason had been the intrusive search and snoop on boarding - not mentioned here, as if it had become justified and beyond discussion. Like all the other intrusions on the protections of the 4th Amendment. But what the hey, it's all about capital, competition, concentration and centralization. What's to mention?

Here's a local illustration, trivial if you don't live here: I live in a totally isolated small county on the Oregon border. We have access to the rest of California only via a section of highway that's constantly falling into the Pacific Ocean and is periodically impassable, called Last Chance Grade. Everyone expects that the erosion and collapse, becoming more serious each year, will soon be final. We won't have access to the rest of our state of California except through an 8-hour detour via I-5 through inland Oregon. Or until recently, by air, small comfort in this desperately poor community.

In the midst of all this, United Airlines had announced last month that they were to cease serving us with their propeller-driven planes, Brazilian Embraers, on their affiliate SkyWest Airlines, because they were transitioning to an all-jet fleet too large for small local airports like ours. Although the feds a week later countermanded that decision due to local business protests, citing the Essential Air Service (EAS) program, which provides about $1,996,000 for air service to our area each year from the federal government (a program to assist small communities to be serviced by certified airline carriers) - - so service will continue on a reduced schedule.
Louis Proyect wrote

One of the major reasons I prefer staying in NYC rather than travel.


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