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On 2/24/2015 6:25 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:
> http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/02/20/different-story-same-futile-war/l
> _________________________________________________________
This is so disgusting. Really!
> Yet the US has no plans to investigate how she was killed
Over 200,000 Syrians slaugfhtered in this conflict and you are demanding
an investigation for one American?
> we should not fall for the “white girl mutilated by the scary dark
> men” narrative being used here.
Wasn't it ISIS that dragged Kayla Muller's dead body into the Jordanian
air strike?
> ISIS exists because of US policy in the Middle East. 
Let's not mention Assad, who sent them "security officers", released
members from jail, gave them safe habor and bought their oil.
> not to mention the innocents killed who are not white 
Is this the Counterpunch way of not mentioning all those Syrians dying
from Russian weapons?

What makes this another disgusting Cesspool piece is the way it unites
with and supports the imperialist coverup of Assad's crimes. It carries
on as if ISIS was the main killer in Syria.

That is a disgusting lie but it is one that unites CBS and Counterpunch.

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