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 "We both rescued the bird and part of the rescue involved
the boy picking up sticks and standing over the lorikeet and waving the
sticks at the butcher bird to keep it at bay.  No other species would have
done that.  Not a single one.  Just as no other species has evolved the
sophisticated measures to torture animals, that we have.

So we are different.  We do have consciousness."

Maybe not, zoo keeper were stunned to see a moose save a marmot, bringing
up the very debate you dismiss above. It seems every time we come up with a
measure of being human or "different" than animals, whether is be the use
of tools, the use of language, the killing of the same species, and so on,
after careful study and observation we find similar animal behaviors in the
wild. Granted, our behaviors may be leagues apart but they on are based on
the same evolutionary pressures. Further to assert that animals do not have
consciousness is a leap and a variant of speciesism as is unexamined
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