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This is the statement Monthly Review Press sent to the Uruguayan newspaper, El 
País, mourning the death of Eduardo Galeano:

"Along with all people who struggle for democracy and an end to oppression, 
Monthly Review Press mourns the death of Eduardo Galeano. We are 
extraordinarily proud to be the English language publisher of his masterwork 
Open Veins of Latin America, as well as his critically acclaimed Days of Love 
and War. More than any other book, Open Veins awakened the world to the true 
history of Latin America, one of both extreme exploitation by the imperial 
powers and heroic struggle against it. That this passionate plea for justice 
was banned in Uruguay, the country of Galeano's birth, as well as in Chile, 
Argentina, and Brazil,  during the dark days of dictatorship in the 1970s, is 
proof of its power to inspire. Perhaps Isabel Allende expressed it best in her 
foreword to the 1997 edition of Open Veins where she wrote, "after the military 
coup of 1973 I could not take much with me: some clothes, family pictures, a 
small bag of dirt from my garden, and two books: an old edition of the Odes by 
Pablo Neruda and the book with the yellow cover, Las venas abiertas de América 
Latina". All of us at Monthly Review offer our deepest condolences to Eduardo 
Galeano's family. Through his works and generous spirit, he will live forever." 
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