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What's new at Links: Scotland & UK election; Ian Birchall on John Riddell; Kurds; Castro on Obama; Kobayashi Takiji; Indonesia; Green parties in UK; Malaysia; Venezuela; Chicago; Netherlands SP; France; Namibia; Bolivia

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   How should leftwingers in Scotland vote in the UK general election?

April 14, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- The following articles were published in the April issue #86 of the /Scottish Left Review//, /as part of a round-up of the various positions being proposed by sections of the Scottish left to advance a left agenda during and after the British general election to be held on May 7, 2015.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4376>

   Ian Birchall on John Riddell's 'To the masses': Essential resource
   on communism's early years <http://links.org.au/node/4371>

   */To The Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist
   International, 1921/*
   edited and translated by John Riddell
   Brill, Leiden & Boston, 2015
   1299 pages, €399.00

April 12, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- The following review by British socialist historian *Ian Birchall* introduces a major addition to our knowledge of the revolutionary movement of Lenin's time: *John Riddell*'s /To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921/. Birchall's review is scheduled for publication in /Revolutionary History/, a journal with 43 published volumes.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4371>

   Kurdish liberation movement committed to ‘democratic socialism for
   the 21st century’ <http://links.org.au/node/4369>

*Meral Cicek*interviewed by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation <http://www.rosalux.de/english/foundation.html>’s <http://www.rosalux.de/english/foundation.html>*Florian Wilde*during the World Social Forum in Tunis, translated by <http://www.rosalux.de/english/foundation.html>*Leandros Fischer*

April 9, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ <http://links.org.au/node/4369> -- *Meral Cicek* (above) is from Cologne and is the chair of Kürt Kadın İlişkiler Merkezi, the Kurdish Centre for Women´s Affairs in Erbil.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4369>

   Raúl Castro: 'Cuba will continue to defend the ideas for which our
   people have sacrificed' <http://links.org.au/node/4379>

By *Raúl Castro Ruz*, president of Cuba
April 14, 2015 -- It was high time I spoke here on behalf of Cuba. I was told at first that I could make an eight-minute speech; although I made a great effort, along with my foreign minister, to reduce it to eight minutes, and as I’m owed six summits from which we were excluded, six times eight, 48 (laughter and applause), I asked President Juan Carlos Varela [of Panama] a few moments before entering this magnificent hall, to allow me a few minutes more, especially after we have been hearing so many interesting speeches, and I am not only referring to that of President Obama, but also that of Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, President Dilma Rousseff and others.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4379>

   Kobayashi Takiji: Class struggle and proletarian literature in Japan

   /*The Crab Cannery Ship: and Other Novels of Struggle*/
   By Kobayashi Takiji
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2013, 328 pages
By *Doug Enaa Greene
*April 15, 2015 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- In 2008, one of the best-selling novels in Japan was an 80-year-old novel, /Kanikosen/ (/Crab Cannery Ship/) by the communist author Kobayashi Takiji, detailing the wretched working conditions on a fishing ship and the crew's strike and determination to overthrow their oppressors. The novel, previously selling a moderate 5000 copies per year, shot up to sales of 500,000, along with the release of four manga versions reaching many more readers.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4378>

   Indonesia: People's Democratic Party holds first open congress

By *Alex Bainbridge*, Jakarta
April 13, 2015 -- The left-wing People's Democratic Party (PRD) held its eighth congress in Jakarta from March 24-26, 2015. This was the first time its congress was held openly. The open congress marks an important new stage of development for the party, which has a history of underground organising dating back to the era of the Suharto dictatorship that was overthrown in 1998.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4377>

   Socialist Resistance on the rise of the Green parties in England,
   Wales and Scotland <http://links.org.au/node/4375>

By *Terry Conway*
April 8, 2015 -- Membership and support for the Green parties across Britain – the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) and the Scottish Green Party (SGP) – has surged dramatically.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4375>

   Malaysia: Najib has 'jettisoned the liberalisation project',
   socialist MP Jeyakumar Devaraj says <http://links.org.au/node/4374>

By *Peter Boyle*
April 8, 2015 -- In the early hours of the morning on April 7, the Malaysian parliament reintroduced powers of indefinite detention without trial in the form of a new /Prevention of Terrorism Act/ (POTA). Such powers, previously under the /Internal Security Act/ and Emergency Ordinance — which were repealed in 2012 under popular pressure — have a notorious history of being used by British colonial and, after independence, Malaysian authorities to detain political dissidents.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4374>

   Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet: 'Venezuela is not
   a threat' <http://links.org.au/node/4373>

April 2015 -- Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network, posted at /Links International Journal of Socialisr Renewal/ with permission [The following letter was written by Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro and was originally published on March 17.]
By *Nicolas Maduro*, president of Venezuela

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4373>

   United States: Small victory for independent working-class politics
   in Chicago <http://links.org.au/node/4372>

By *Samantha Winslow*
April 9, 2015 -- Chicago teachers now have one of their own on the city council. Susan Sadlowski Garza, school counselor and Chicago Teachers Union executive board member, declared victory this week over incumbent John Pope. Absentee ballots are still being counted, but signs indicate she will squeeze past by less than 100 votes.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4372>

   Netherlands: Socialist Party now 'biggest left party' after
   provincial elections <http://links.org.au/node/4370>

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4370>

   Venezuela: 'No more coups! No more interventions! Repeal the
   Executive Order, Mr. President!' <http://links.org.au/node/4368>

April 9, 2015 -- The following letter, signed by 30 academics, municipal councillors, trade union officials, journalists, solidarity organisation convenors and political party leaders from around Australia, was initiated by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign in Melbourne.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4368>

   France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon's assessment of March 22 and 29
   departmental elections <http://links.org.au/node/4367>

April 7, 2015 -- Front de Gauche (Left Front) leader *Jean-Luc Mélenchon*'s assessment of the March 22 and 29, 2015, departmental elections in France.

   Namibia 25 years on: What happened to our dreams?

By *Henning Melber*

[April 9, 2015 -- The following article appeared in the /Namibian/ newspaper’s//March 21, 2015/, /25th independence anniversary supplement. Henning Melber joined the South-West African Peoples Organisation (SWAPO) in 1974. It is posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/with Melber’s permission.]

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4366>

   Bolivia: Voters reaffirm ‘process of change’ but warn governing MAS

By *Richard Fidler*
April 6, 2015 - Up to 90% of the electorate voted in Bolivia’s “subnational” elections March 29 for governors, mayors and departmental assembly and municipal council members throughout the country. These were the second such elections to be held since the new constitution came into force in 2009, the first being in 2010.

 * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/4365>

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Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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