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Just yesterday, Obama announced that the CIA had killed the American citizen al Qaeda operative Adam Gadahn in a drone strike in Pakistan on 19 January 2015.

Well, today I was researching English language sources on the rise of the Islamic State and I found this piece, dated 13 October 2013, which seems very good on the rise of ISIS, and relations between it and AQ & Nusra.


In which I found this interesting nugget:

   Beyond public pronouncements, AQC and ISI do not seem to have ever
   enjoyed happy relations. The Abbottabad documents
   <http://www.jihadica.com/abbottabad-documents/>in fact indicate that
   AQC never approved of the Islamic State's establishment and that a
   leadership-to-leadership relationship hardly ever existed. This is
   at least according to American al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, who
   in 2011 recommended
   that al-Qaeda publicly "sever its ties with the Islamic State of
   Iraq." Gadahn feared that ISI's engagement in sectarian violence had
   tarnished al-Qaeda's reputation.

   While AQC leaders did not follow his advice, ties between al-Qaeda
   and the Islamic State were indeed to become practically severed—on
   the initiative, however, of the Islamic State.

The main problem now is ISIS, not AQC, and dis-unity between the two is a good thing, so if Adam Gadahn was a part of AQC leadership that opposed ISIS, then maybe taking him out right now wasn't the smartest move.

Just saying.....

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at theLinux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>
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