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So  they finally let you publish something on Syria. Very Good.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist <
comment-re...@wordpress.com> wrote:

>    louisproyect posted: " COUNTERPUNCH WEEKEND EDITION MAY 1-3, 2015
> Returning to Homs Trial-by-Fire in Syria by LOUIS PROYECT Recently
> published by Verso Press, Jonathan Littell’s “Syrian Notebooks: Inside the
> Homs Uprising” is welcome both as an important document of"    Respond to
> this post by replying above this line
>       New post on *Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist*
> <http://louisproyect.org/author/louisproyect/>  Trial by Fire in Syria
> <http://louisproyect.org/2015/05/01/trial-by-fire-in-syria/> by
> louisproyect <http://louisproyect.org/author/louisproyect/>
>  <http://www.versobooks.com/books/1867-syrian-notebooks>
> Returning to Homs
> Trial-by-Fire in Syria
> <http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/05/01/trial-by-fire-in-syria/>
> Recently published by Verso Press, Jonathan Littell’s “Syrian Notebooks:
> Inside the Homs Uprising
> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1781688249/counterpunchmaga>” is
> welcome both as an important document of Syria’s trial by fire as well as
> an indication of this august publisher’s willingness to break with the
> pro-Assad consensus that prevails on the left. Although Littell’s chronicle
> is hardly the work of an FSA partisan, he at least puts a human face on a
> movement that so many were willing to reduce to one fighter’s shocking
> act–eating the heart of a fallen Baathist soldier.
> Written between January 16 and February 2, 2012, Littell’s notebooks are
> literally that, a day by day diary of what he saw and what he did in Homs,
> a city that was a citadel of resistance to Bashar al-Assad, particularly in
> the working-class neighborhood of Baba ‘Amr, where Littell spent most of
> his time.
> read full article
> <http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/05/01/trial-by-fire-in-syria/>
>   *louisproyect <http://louisproyect.org/author/louisproyect/>* | May 1,
> 2015 at 4:39 pm | Categories: Counterpunch
> <http://louisproyect.org/?cat=597837>, Syria
> <http://louisproyect.org/?cat=18052> | URL: http://wp.me/pvb5-3dI
>  Comment
> <http://louisproyect.org/2015/05/01/trial-by-fire-in-syria/#respond>    See
> all comments
> <http://louisproyect.org/2015/05/01/trial-by-fire-in-syria/#comments>
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