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New from Linux Beach:

      Calling out Bashar's Buddies on the Left by name

> When Syrian dictator was being blamed for the sarin murders of over
> 1400 civilians in August 2013, these namespaces came to his defense.
> They had little to say about the carnage Assad was causing before the
> chemical massacre. As a group, they participated in the media blackout
> that has /"covered"/ his many massacres in the two years before, and
> they have been silence about his barrel-bombing and killing in the
> year+ since. They only came out of the worm holes on Syria to /"raise
> questions"/ about Assad's responsibility for the sarin murders, then
> they went back in. They have shown by their actions as well as
> inaction, that other than Bashar al-Assad, they could care less about
> the Syrian people. Here is my dishonor roll of shame. I call it
> Bashar's Buddylist:
Will we now see a return to the use of chemical weapons against mass

After almost a hundred year ban, this re-introduction of the use of
chemical weapons for the purpose of suppressing mass rebellion, while
protecting property, is starting to show some legs, in spite of Assad
being forced to given up his sarin. This will have tragic consequences
for humanity going forward and history will long remember the silence of
the /"Left"/ upon its re-introduction.
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