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It is also interesting to note that in a Palmyra battle with opposition
forces 2 years ago, it was the Assad regime that was putting the
antiquities in jeopardy:


"The rebels are around the town," said the resident, who asked not to be
named for fear of imprisonment. "They hide in the desert, some to the east
and some to the west."

The groups attack government positions in the town at night, he said.

Hiding in the palm groves behind the ruins, the militants creep towards the
ancient site, once a vital stopping point for caravans crossing the Syrian
desert carrying spices, silks and perfumes, and the modern town of Tadmur
behind it.

The government responds with mortar bombs, artillery shells and rockets,
the resident said.

"For the past two months we have had shelling every night," said the
resident, who supports the opposition movement. "The army have positioned
themselves in the museum, between the town and the ruins."

Soldiers camp out in the luxury hotels once popular with tourists. The army
has also entered the Roman theatre and positioned snipers behind its stone
walls, he said.

Tadmur's residents took to the streets in March 2011 to call for democratic
reforms and an end to the dynastic, four-decade rule of the Assad family.

But as in other cities, police and security forces suppressed the uprising,
leading to an armed revolt and civil war in which more than 70,000 have
been killed and millions displaced around the Middle Eastern state.


Maamoun Abdulkarim, director of antiquities and museums at the Ministry of
Culture, told Reuters that the interior of the temple was not damaged in
the mortar attack, which caused "as much damage as a fire."

Clashes in the palm groves behind the temple and stray bullets could hit
the columns and exterior of the ruins, he said by telephone from Damascus.
But he said the Palmyra site was largely safe.

"Matters are under control and as for damage to archaeological sites, there
is nothing," he said.

"The Syrian army is in some areas in the archaeological site and we oppose
this. Our appeal goes to the Syrian government and all the parties to
distance themselves from the site so it doesn't become a target for each

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>
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