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*Also, it's apparently published by the mouthpiece of a New York-based
thinktank run by the family of one of Russia's oligarchs, namely Mikhail
Khodorkovsky's son Pavel.

- Amith

The original article was published in Russian on a website called
"Chetvertaya vlast" (Fourth Estate):


Who is "behind" Fourth Estate, I have no idea. The Interpreter just
translated the article into English and posted it. They post lots of stuff,
some things useful and interesting, some things quite biased.

It's odd that you refer to Khodorkovsky as "one of Russia's oligarchs"
without referring what Putin did to him. The fact that he didn't flee the
country and did his prison time means that he is not just "one of Russia's
oligarchs" anymore (in fact he's not an oligarch at all anymore), but
someone with a certain amount of moral authority among many Russians,
especially those of a liberal bent.

But in cayse article wasn't written by a Russian oligarch or liberal, but
by a Ukrainian anarchist named Alexander Volodarsky who usually knows what
he's talking about.

And speaks both languages used in Ukraine.
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