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A contributor to this list referred to Radio Svoboda as "U.S. funded". That's 
an understatement! Radio Svoboda (Freedom) is the 60 year old service of the 
rabidly anti-communist Radio Free Europe of the U.S. imperialists. RFE dates 
back into the early years of the Cold War. 

Of course Radio Svoboda would idolize the "anti-Putin" activist Vlad 
Kolesnikov, including his condemnations of Russia's "annexation" of Crimea by 
Russia last year. The Crimean people voted overwhelmingly for secession from 
Ukraine and federation with Russia in March 2014, and that expression has been 
affirmed in major polls conducted since then in Dec. 2014, Jan. 2015 and later. 
But the "annexation" thesis makes perfect sense for those who advocate it. 
Since when does imperialist democracy or those who believe in it give any 
credence to the actual wishes of a given population? 

Another "anti-Putin" activist, Igor Dmitriyev of the liberal 'Left Socialist 
Action' in Russia, has recently expressed his guarded support for Ukraine's new 
raft of anti-communist laws, which also rewrite history in favour of the 
Nazi-era collaborationists during and after WW2. His views are published 
without comment on the 'Ukraine Solidarity Campaign' of the Euromaidan movement 
in the UK: 

Radio Svoboda's paymasters are, of course, experts at lauding and handling 
"anti-Putin" activists. Look at how masterfully they manipulated the 
"anti-Morsi" masses in Egypt in 2013 and the "anti-Yanukovych" crowds in Kyiv. 
Now they have their sights set on Russia, as expressed very eloquently in an 
op-ed and in an editorial in the Washington Post a few days ago: 

The imperialist countries are continuing their penetration and domination of 
eastern Europe, destroying Ukraine in the process. They are driving towards war 
with Russia, including the danger they would unleash nuclear weapons. They are 
spending a trillion dollars to "modernize" their nuclear arsenal. And Marxism 
list contributors reply, "But what about Putin?" 

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