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On Jul 16, 2015, at 2:01 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism 
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> The SWIFT exchange was in the news when Iran's access to it was threatened,
> and was mentioned in passing today in a Times article now that sanctions
> will be loosened.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_Worldwide_Interbank_Financial_Telecommunication

Again, I’m not an IT expert, but it seems to me what’s been overlooked in this 
discussion is the distinction between the instantaneous electronic transfer of 
funds made possible by modern technology and the much longer timeframe required 
for the subsequent issuance of new coins and banknotes.

Louis has made much of the time factor in introducing and distributing a new 
currency. I’m not clear as to what precisely he’s referring to when he asserts 
there are years of complicated computer programming required to implement the 

The origin of the eurozone is instructive in this regard. The conversion to the 
euro of 11 sovereign currencies involving hundreds of banks and hundreds of 
millions of Europeans was done at a keystroke and trading in the new currency 
began immediately. All that what was required was for the central banks in each 
country to fix the respective exchange rates at which the old currencies would 
be exchanged for the euro, and for the commercial banks to implement this 
change in depositors’ accounts. This conversion rates were the subject of 
negotiation between the central banks and with the new European Central Bank.
"The euro was launched on 1 January 1999, when it became the currency of more 
than 300 million people in Europe. For the first three years it was an 
invisible currency, only used for accounting purposes, e.g. in electronic 
payments. Euro cash was not introduced until 1 January 2002, when it replaced, 
at fixed conversion rates, the banknotes and coins of the national currencies 
like the Belgian franc and the Deutsche Mark.”

In recognition that cash was still widely used, he old currencies continued to 
coexist with euro transactions and were gradually phased out over a three year 
period with minimal disruption to the financial system. 

Even today, "cash is by far the most widely used means of payment for retail 
transactions in the euro area in terms of the number of transactions, although 
in terms of value it has a significantly smaller share. In both respects, 
however, the role of cash has been gradually declining in recent decades, while 
the use of debit and credit cards has been growing, a trend that is expected to 

For more detail, see: 


A Grexit would be politically difficult - but not, it appears, technically 
difficult - were it not an orderly process undertaken in concert with the 

In this connection, I linked to an article yesterday which explained:

"The government and banks could work together to convert all bank deposits from 
euros into drachmas, either overnight or over a set period of time. Practically 
speaking, this would mean a person with 100 euros in their bank account on 
Tuesday could find that they instead have 100 drachmas in their account on 
Wednesday. There wouldn’t be any physical drachmas available yet, but the money 
would exist digitally…If the Greek government resolves to push ahead with its 
drachma currency, it would eventually have to print banknotes and coins. The 
process of designing and printing new banknotes would take at least a year, 
according to Bernd Kuemmerle, who is head of the banknote business division at 
German-based Giesecke & Devrient, a leading global banknote producer.”

This seems to me to be consistent with the apparent technical ease of 
converting drachmas into euros in 1999, except the process would work in 

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