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on Sonntag, 2. August 2015 at 01:15, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Let's do a Kickstarter on this.

> http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=86234&NewsCatID=341

  In this piece from Hürriyet the house looks good, but already the images 
accompanying this article by the Guardian 
> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/08/leon-trotsky-turkish-island-hideaway-property-sale
show a little more of the reality. 

  I just saw a news item on Al Jazeera (english) with some footage from the 
interior ... showing that the house is a ruin, and a restauration would not be 
enough to save the building, but a complete reconstruction. 

Lüko Willms
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