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New from Linux Beach:

     Is memory corruption behind yet another un-FAIR Syria story?

It seems that *Adam Johnson* needs another lesson in *F*airness & *A*ccuracy *I*n *R*eporting because in doubling down on his opportunist position on Syria in his latest piece <http://fair.org/home/down-the-memory-hole-nyt-erases-cias-efforts-to-overthrow-syrias-government/> on that question for *FAIR*, *Down the Memory Hole: NYT Erases CIA’s Efforts to Overthrow Syria’s Government*, today, he misrepresents his sources and links multiple times to indicate some substance behind his claims when there is no there there. If the title hasn't already made it clear, his basic thesis is that the CIA has been engaged in a massive, four year long, effort to overthrow the Syrian government and the *New York Times* is trying to re-write that history.
*More...* <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2015/09/is-memory-corruption-behind-yet-another.html>
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