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we've been told by US media that it was only against IS....of course, the
US press has its own agenda...

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Ken Hiebert <knhieb...@shaw.ca> wrote:

> Ron Jacobs said:
> Why are we supposed to be bothered that CIA-trained mercenary "rebels" were
> attacked?  How are these CIA-trained mercenaries that much different from
> the contras or the so-called mujaheddin?
> Ken Hiebert replies:
> I think you are conceding that Russian planes have attacked non-ISIS
> targets.
> This leads me to ask how Russia has presented their presence in Syria.
> Have they presented it as a fight against ISIS?  Or have they presented it
> as a fight against all opponents of the Syrian government?
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