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this week we have some important major articles new on Redline.

Malcolm Deans, secretary of Unions Otago and an activist in the Aotearoa
Workers Solidarity Movement, writing in a personal capacity, looks at the
attack by Talleys on its workers, which is turning into a very important
industrial dispute.  Talley has been mobilising the courts, iwi leaders and
whatever forces it can against meat workers.  Malcolm provides an in-depth
account of this dispute here:

In "'Respect for diversity': modern NZ capitalism's necessary ideology",
Philip Ferguson looks at how changes in NZ capitalism, class relations and
demography have given birth to new, dominant forms of ideology which have
been dominant for several decades in NZ now, while much the left remains
stuck in the 1970s/1980s, acting as if the old conservative traditionalism
that was obsolete by the 1980s was still dominant:

Much of the left, most particularly the dominant liberal left, also lives
on a diet of scaremongering about particular individuals, with the fears
about them usually being misplaced.  Today we've out up a couple of
articles from 2005 and 2006 looking at how so much of the left
misinterpreted what Don Brash was about when he became leader of the
National Party, leading up to the 2005 election:

This month marks the 4th anniversary of the Pike River disaster in which 29
mine workers were, in effect, killed by the bosses' pursuit for profit at
the expense of workers' safety.  We've collected our set of articles on the
Pike River disaster and who was responsible here:

And Don Franks has penned a poem in solidarity with the workers at New
World: https://rdln.wordpress.com/2015/10/30/new-world-nightmare/

We've also put up again our piece from some years ago on the origins of
Labour Day in New Zealand:

Don't forget to pass on the urls to anyone you think might be interested in
any of these pieces and please think about writing something in the
comments section under any of the above articles.

All the best,

Philip Ferguson
for the Redline blog collective
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