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Surprise surprise (not). Preparation for their joint US-Russian-"reformed" regime - quisling "opposition" bombing attack on the agreed list of "terrorists" I reported on yesterday:

My comments in the text in [...].

Russian and US lists of terrorist groups in Syria largely coincide - RIA cites Russian dep foreign minister

Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:10pm GMT

Russia and the United States have exchanged preliminary lists of what they regard as terrorist groups in Syria and they largely coincide, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on Friday, RIA news agency reported.

[Well, since we already know that they both consider not only ISIS, but also Nusra and even, scandalously, Ahrar al-Sham as "terrorists", and both bomb all three, alongside bombing other Islamists and bombing the FSA, it is hard to be surprised]

Bogdanov also said that Russia believes that dozens of members of the Free Syria Army should be drawn into a political process [wow, "dozens"!!! - should we see this as a major concession from Russia? I wonder of the US will agree with Russia that the other 10s of thousands are "terrorists"?], and that Russia had met with many representatives of the organisation [for the joke that Russia has met with the FSA, see Propaganda and Shady Characters How Russia Created Its Meetings with the Free Syrian Army http://eaworldview.com/2015/11/syria-feature-propaganda-and-shady-characters-how-russia-created-its-meetings-with-the-free-syrian-army/].

(Reporting By Jason Bush; editing by Ralph Boulton)
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