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Mr. Charles Glass, you write on Glenn Greenwald's Intercept website today:

"The question since March 2011, when the first protests began in Syria, is what to do with President Bashar al-Assad. The reason the West, Saudi Arabia, and Israel wanted to dispose of him had nothing to do with dictatorship or repression. Nearly all Arab governments are repressive dictatorships, but only Syria was not a U.S. satellite. Only Syria had a strategic alliance with Iran, dating to Hafez al-Assad’s decision to support Iran against Saddam Hussein in 1980, long before the West declared him a pariah."

This is a crock of shit, Mr. Glass, and you probably know it.

The USA invaded Iraq in 2003, didn't it? Remember Ahmad Chalabi? He died a few days ago. In 2004 there were CIA agents who had suspicions that he was an Iranian spy since American intelligence reports kept ending up in Tehran.

Then there is Muqtada al-Sadr. The Washington Institute, a neocon outfit, views him as an out and out proxy of Iran.

I can go at great length but why bother? None of this would make a difference to someone like you who has been stumping for Assad for four years now.
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