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Dennis Brasky wrote



What I've questioned in the past about Syriza as exemplar and what has not been 
alluded to in this article is how in the world one expects a left party without 
a demonstrated socialist mandate from an effective preponderance of 
constituents to do anything other than manage the increasingly complex and 
onerous administration of a capitalist state. That of necessity includes in 
present context managing austerity and therefore, however reluctantly, aligning 
with the banks, trans-nationals, local capital, the police to enforce worker 
resistance, and the essentials of a geopolitically mandated foreign policy in a 
strictly regulated global pecking order. Some, with self-sufficient resources 
can do so to a limited extent, like Venezuela has with a program of 
worker-council participation and redistribution garnering popular support 
despite limitations of ambivalent, bureaucratically corrupt governance of a 
still-capitalist state, maybe Bolivia as well, Chile with Allende, regimes like 
Cuba with Soviet assistance, and the dictators who fell from grace like 
Hussein, or now Assad, because they strayed from the flock or failed to manage 
worker compliance and material resources to capital’s satisfaction.

The question to be asked in the case of Tsipras’s cow-towing to Netanyahu is 
the possibly, necessarily magnified extent to which it’s required in order to 
get much-needed natural gas to keep Greece from collapsing, and to what extent 
Tsipras thinks that this is sufficiently peripheral so as to not on balance 
create an issue with the bulk of his main constituency. Unless you play the 
game right, the footing out there in the empire is precarious to the max. I 
don’t think, all things considered, anyone should be surprised given his 
required, increasingly restricted role at what Tsipras does from now on.

Recall also that George Papandreou was threatened by Merkel with enforced 
bankruptcy unless his country signed up to austerity measures and backed off 
from his declared, last ditch intention to conduct a referendum, which 
destroyed his political career. We might expect a similar fate for Syriza, 
conceivably less so since the European banks have been successful in not only 
insulating themselves from the domino effect of Greek default and the 
(debilitating for Greek workers) absence of an alternative on the left but also 
apparently from the much-diminished threat of a worker-supported alternative 
strategy by a Syriza government in the future.

By governing on behalf of international capital the ostensibly-left regimes 
become, willy nilly, personifications of capital - to be reigned in or replaced 
if they fail to act in a manner not conducive to appropriate capital expansion, 
exploitation, waste of human and material resources and imperative return on 

Consider the severe constraint on taking power and defying capital without a 
massive mandate from below that makes the intended socialist  outcome feasible. 
Maybe it has something to do with Varoufakis and the left platform getting the 
hell out of Greek governance. Doesn't the same apply to Corbyn? Maybe that has 
something to do with Seymour's silence on UK.

What I can't understand is how Syriza including the left platform and 
Varoufakis from the get-go expected to carry it off without an effective, 
massive mandate to take over the government and move toward socialist 
transition, gauging all actions so as to be in consonance with ever-closer 
approximations, as Rosa Luxemburg said, to substantive equality and worker 
self-management (in a resource-strapped nation, worse luck). 

What else do we have here, essentially, but what happened to Euro-communists 
and social democrats in other, perhaps different times, at  least 
since the Gotha program of the United Workers' Party of Germany, or the second 
international? How is it possible in the absence of an already aroused global 
working class where the demonstration-effect of one’s actions has the required 

Please answer in no more than twenty-five words.

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