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Actually, Clay, they did, in 2014. Bombed the shit out of two oil
refineries which lead to black-outs and protests:


My understanding is that Ragga is something of a septic-tank city with a
sewer system that basically collects the sewage from the "downtown" area...
and discharges out into the dessert east of the city. So there isn't much
to bomb. Power is partially decentralized using diesel run generators
scattered about. It's really a small town, not much to bomb. I suspect the
reason not to do this might be that the bombing of Germany and Japan did
absolutely zip to turn people away from their respective dictatorships. It
also didn't work in Vietnam (though it almost did according to Giap). Just
doesn't work as a rule. If one is going to play Bomber Command (British Air
Force and mass murderers in WWII) then you level the city totally and kill
everyone. That would work. That's doable. I suspect it wouldn't play well
now. The internet is too pervasive and a lot more widespread than it was in

That's your answer.

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