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On 12/10/15 9:46 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
Love those comrades (ISO), but damned if I'll support a campist
middle-class party (Greens).

Why not? If I was in Britain, I'd support Corbyn. If I was in Venezuela, I would have voted for Maduro even if his position on Syria was ten times worse than Jill Stein's. There are multiple contradictions involved with the left right now and we can't make Syria a litmus test.

Speaking of which, I just posted this to FB:

The intense phobia, which is easy to understand, over Trump in particular and all the other Republican candidates as well, has the objective effect of strengthening the "lesser evil" logic that is already kicking in around the reaction against Doug Henwood's book and any other criticisms of Hillary Clinton. By the time that Sanders is eliminated, the pressure to vote for Clinton will reach a crescendo with Sanders himself beating the drum like a major in a Rose Bowl parade. It means marginalizing the Green Party and deepening the ties between the left and the Democratic Party. While it is tough for the left to acknowledge, Trump, Cruz, Carson et al are symptoms of capitalist crisis. With the Koch brothers funding every anti-working class initiative across the country, the Democratic Party will function as aspirin for someone suffering from a brain tumor.
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