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 on Samstag, 9. Januar 2016 at 23:59, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

> It was especially refreshing to read after having been lectured by Luke who
> insists (how would he know??) that the outrage had simply been manufactured
> by the media

   who else? Have you read the German press? Listened to the German TV and 
radio? To the rightist politicians? 
>  whereas nothing too unusual happened. 
   Well, that women are being groped where people are pressed very densly, like 
in public transport (maybe you or Kathleen never use a metro or bus), that is 
unfortunately not at all unusual. 

  Maybe you want separate cars for women and men? Women to be completely 
covered by a long cloth? Separate entry to train stations for women and men? 

> And that the police chief had been fired "because he did not immediately push 
> for a sharp
> racial profiling in the official police report." 

  Yes, that was the main reason. 

  As I said, there is no campaign for women going on, no politician or talking 
head asks for more rights for women, no only more restrictions. The newly 
elected mayor of Cologne, who earned a lot of sympathy when she was stabbed at 
a election campaign stand shortly before the vote, Ms. Henriette Reker demanded 
that women should keep an arms length distance from men, that is all. Is that 
women's liberation? The extrem right expanded that advice right be demanding 
for a Mediterranean Sea's width as the distance. 

> Look, over 100 women filed reports of being sexually assaulted (were they 
> lying?) 

  I guess not. I haven't been there. 

  Just you don't know either what kind of sexual assault had been taken place. 
As said before, the peak of the exaggeration was aired on TV5MONDE, claiming 
that "100 women had been raped by 1000 Arabs".  The reality is more groping, 
being touched by a hand on the buttock, being asked to make love. 

> in a small area during a short time period. 

   Because all doors of the train station exept one were closed. If they had 
opened all doors in such a night when the traffic is tenfold of its normal 
volume, nothing would had happened. 
> If the police chief left in shame because his department totally failed 
> to protect women in such a case, then I'd be the last to object. 

  But he didn't. 

   He is being accused of  being not aggressive enough against Arabs. 
   The whole campaign is dominated by calls for more surveillancs -- the cops 
want to use drones to look up at each and every individual taking part in the 
carnival processions which take place in a few weeks, and use automatic face 
recognition and to merge such imagery with those of other surveillance cameras. 
 More armament for police. More war in the Arab East. Faster deportation of 
"foreigners" and refugees. More surveillance of the Internet. More gag laws, 
more censorship, more political indoctrination in the schools and public media. 

   Please check the reality and do not dream it up. In Louis Proyect's terms 
you would be in an "amen corner with the fascists". 

   Women's rights are just the bait in this horror, and are rather being 
trampled on by it. 

  The usual racism . 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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