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And as expected, the below from Dave McReynolds, one-time pacifist leader,
now the most vocal tankie/Assad-appeaser on the UFPJ list:

*"Sorry Andrew, but what revoutionaries? The rebels in Syria are a mixed
bag - a very mixed, badly divided bag. And few of them are*

*revolutionary in the sense I think you or I would use that term. They have
been supported by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the US - none of them being
revolutionary forces.*

*And yes, a real part of the problem is that the rebels will not engage in
the talks.*

*It is interesting that even though Kerry seems to accept the reality some
of us have urged, you now seem to think he is backing Assad.*

*The problem is that the US fears tossing out Assad would mean Syria would
become another Libya."*
*David McReynolds*

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Andrew Pollack <acpolla...@gmail.com>

> I sent the below to a UFPJ list. I'm dreading the replies.
> The story linked below is significant IMO for three reasons:
> 1. Its aim is to reinforce pessimistic sentiments, encouraging
> revolutionaries to give up.
> 2. It confirms the widely circulated story that Kerry told Assad opponents
> to STFU about food, water and other basic needs, and that he blamed them
> for the talks' breakdown. (Yes, I know, many on this list will respond:
> "Kerry is right, how do you expect sieges to be lifted if you don't talk?"
> and thus will implicitly blame them for their own death by starvation. To
> all of you I say "Shame!")
> 3. Most significantly, the Times presents, in a tone indicating confidence
> that they won't be challenged, what the real global Left has been saying
> all along:
> "American-backed insurgents have long been used to the American stance in
> recent years, that the United States did not want them to actually win the
> war — lest a sudden toppling of Mr. Assad lead to Islamist rule — but
> wanted to prevent them from losing for long enough to pressure the
> government to negotiate for a political solution."
> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/10/world/middleeast/syrian-opposition-groups-sense-us-suppo
> rt-fading.html?ref=todayspaper
> <http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/10/world/middleeast/syrian-opposition-groups-sense-us-support-fading.html?ref=todayspaper>
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