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Hi comrades,


I've been hanging out more in Johannesburg (I'm moving full-time to a university there in May, from my Durban base the last dozen years where I developed more of the eco-socialist angles especially on climate). And in Joburg I find this is the direction taken by the city's leading socialist trade unionists (e.g. in the metalworkers - people like Dinga Sikwebu), NGO activists (e.g. Womin in Mining which combines eco-feminism, anti-extractivism and socialism), and intellectuals (e.g. in the Democratic Marxism series of Wits University Press, edited by people like Vishwas Satgar, Jackie Cock and Michelle Williams). Your argument will fall on fertile soil here.

A couple of nuances, though:

On 2016/02/21 06:15 PM, Hans G Ehrbar via Marxism wrote:
The biggest shift which socialists have to make, in my view, is to
explain to the masses in the rich countries that they must learn to live
well with less, and that it is possible to meet all their needs with
much less stuff.

This is important to adjust, in my view, so that the "with less" applies not mainly to the "masses" but to the over-consumptive classes (as well as those in the South, such as myself). Would you not make the distinction between whatever level (top 20%, 30%?) should pare down consumption (especially carbon footprint-related) and the majority who if they lost a month's pay might be deep in the red?

There's a video whose network I was involved in for awhile, which has been seen by 50 million people (I helped on the version fighting carbon trading and even that obscure topic attracted more than a million views, with its attack on banksters doing climate policy): http://www.storyofstuff.org ... and I haven't seen anything more powerful than Annie's analysis of the entire system of capitalist circuitry from production to reproduction, across extraction through to disposal.

Have a look and see if this is the sort of eco-socialist messaging you have in mind. At the time, I had hoped that movements like Occupy - and now the Sanders campaign - would start to make anti-capitalist and even explicitly socialist narratives more palatable in these sorts of projects. Maybe in future that can be done with increasingly clever media innovations. Is there anything you have in mind, Hans, that's a model for reaching out to the masses in your neighbourhood?

The second biggest shift is that even the most revolutionary socialists
must embrace reforms.  We in the US, Europe, Canada, Australia do not
have the power to overturn the capitalist regime quickly enough to
implement the necessary changes in time.  We must try to build the
necessary structures within capitalism.  On Feb 17, Raghu said on Pen-l
that, since nationalization of the polluting energy sector is not
achievable, we have to aim for the second best, namely, their regulation.
This should not be dismissed but discussed seriously among socialists.

Yes, that's why I appreciate so much the debate Joseph Green introduced me to, about the carbon tax proposals of Jim Hansen and others /only working at the margins - /i.e. achieving incremental changes by adjusting consumption, depending upon price elasticity - when we need full-fledged regulation. The standard historical comparison is to FDR's takeover of the auto industry for war production purposes. The EPA is probably sufficiently empowered to "regulate" the polluting coal-fired powerplants and coal mines /by shutting them down. /That's the kind of firm, radical reform that anyone doing climate activism would agree is now necessary.

Andre Gorz distinguished between reformist and non-reformist reforms. In South African social policy debates, these distinctions are often vital.


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