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You ended your post with "Cheers".  That was a joke, right?

On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 11:21 PM, Mark Lause via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> I don't think the list has ignored the Sanders campaign.  It's just that
> there's very little new to say about this.
> Many of us who are not supporters of his campaign have been watching it
> with interest and a great deal of gratification for his level of support
> says about the political possibilities.  I want as many people inclined to
> support it to enter into it.  Invest your blood, sweat and tears in the
> effort.  The more who do so, the more the Democratic Party will persuade
> them--as it did me and many like me in 1968--that our views have ultimately
> never mattered to it.
> And I do get the theoretical objections to supporting any party of the
> class enemy . . .
> But I have been primarily concerned with the practical questions the
> campaign raises.  I've posed these here, on North Star, on Facebook
> continually and they remain entirely unaddressed.
>  In the last half century, the Democrats have never--not ever--picked the
> most progressive candidate running.  This includes candidates who outpolled
> in the primaries the candidate who ultimately gets the nomination.
> In the past, when a progressive candidate starts showing strength, we have
> seen the media give them less coverage and to make the lion's share of that
> coverage quoting other people about how terrible they are?  Hasn't that
> happened more and more?  What they did wheeling out the relics of the civil
> rights movement to serve as slanderers and liars against Sanders was just
> the beginning.  Then they can always Howard Dean him.
> And--again as predicted by the skeptics--they've dealt out the delegates in
> way to minimize the will of the Democratic voters.
> Does no one else remember 1968?  Even in 1972, when McGovern got the
> nomination (he wasn't nearly as progressive as Chisholm, btw), the powers
> in the party stepped back and let the campaign crash so that they could
> rebuild it into what they wanted it to become.
> Good grief, people!  How oblivious are we to the history through which many
> of us actually lived?   Conversely, how eager are we to embrace a
> faith-based willful ignoring of that history?  What reason do you have for
> thinking that will change?  Do you think the party of Patriot Acts and
> drones and oil spills and militarization of the police has become somehow
> kinder and gentler than it was in the 1990s or earlier?
> I've heard no coherent response other than that I shouldn't be such a big
> old cynic spreading the blue meanies among the cherubic youth.
> But certainly none of the very real support Sanders has gotten--which he
> and his supporters have worked terribly hard to earn, I know--begins to
> answer those concerns.
> Cheers,
> Mark L.
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