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Financial Times, April 14, 2016
‘Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization’, by Branko Milanovic
Review by Martin Wolf

Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization, by Branko Milanovic, Harvard University Press, RRP£22.95/$29.95, 320 pages

Branko Milanovic has written an outstanding book. Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization is informative, wide-ranging, scholarly, imaginative and commend­ably brief. As you would expect from one of the world’s leading experts on this topic, Milanovic has added significantly to important recent works by Thomas Piketty, Anthony Atkinson and François Bourguignon.

Compared with Piketty in Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014), Milanovic focuses more on global than on national inequality, and also more on income than on wealth. His canvas is broader than that of Atkinson in In­equality: What Can Be Done? (2015), which concentrates on the UK and goes deeper into policy. The book closest to Global Inequality is Bourguignon’s The Globalisation of Inequality (2015) — unsurprisingly, perhaps, given that the two authors were colleagues at the World Bank. Yet Milanovic’s approach is both more historical and more political.

Milanovic, like Bourguignon, stresses one encouraging fact. While inequality is rising within most countries, notably the high-income ones, global inequality of incomes, though huge, has been falling, particularly since 2000. Yet even that might not continue, once China’s incomes per head rise above the global average, as will soon happen. Prospects for further reductions in global inequality will then depend on the rate of progress in other large developing economies, notably India.

Other conclusions are more disturbing. In particular, the influential hypothesis of the Nobel Prize-winning economist Simon Kuznets (1901-85) that development first increases inequality of incomes within countries, then durably reduces it, has been disproved by events. Instead of such a “Kuznets curve”, Milanovic advances the notion of “Kuznets waves”: inequality rises, falls and then rises again, perhaps endlessly.

The author, now a senior scholar at the Luxembourg Income Study Center in New York, is celebrated for a chart showing the proportional rise in real incomes per head across the global income distribution between 1988 and 2008, which is updated here to 2011. Those at the very bottom have done relatively poorly. The global middle classes have prospered: those between the 45th and 65th global percentiles (from the bottom) doubled their real incomes between 1988 and 2011. A high proportion of these are Chinese. But those between the 80th and 95th percentiles have suffered stagnant real incomes. These are the middle classes of the high-income countries.

Finally, the global top one per cent has done far better than those immediately below it, with real income increases of around 40 per cent. This is a far broader group than the high-income countries’ top 1 per cent: the top 12 per cent of Americans are in the global top 1 per cent, as are the top 5 per cent of British people. The global top 1 per cent receive about 29 per cent of all income and own about 46 per cent of all wealth: inequality of the latter is always greater than the former.

For much of the 19th and 20th centuries, the rise in average incomes per head in today’s high-income countries outpaced that in the rest of the world. One’s position in the global distribution of income came increasingly to depend not on what one did but on where one did it. Milanovic calls this advantage of being British rather than, say, Kenyan “citizenship rent”. In recent times, this rent has fallen, but only a little. Today, one’s living standard depends a little more on what one does and a little less on where one does it.

The overall picture, then, is one of modestly falling global inequality and rising inequality within countries, notably high-income ones. Since most politics is national, periods of rising inequality within countries inevitably have political implications. Not least, Milanovic notes, “very high inequality eventually becomes unsustainable”. This partly explains the period of falling inequality within the high-income countries that preceded the more recent increases in inequality. During much of the 20th century, the middle and lower classes of high-income countries benefited not only from the growth of these economies, but also from marked reductions in the very high in­equality of the 19th century.

Yet it was not only benign forces — rising demand for labour, improved education and the creation of welfare states — but also malign ones — wars and depressions — that drove this mid-20th-century decline in inequality. The malign forces, Milanovic stresses, were not accidents but consequences of high inequality. Unequal societies are inclined to be bellicose: world wars were an outcome. Similarly, the financial development characteristic of unequal capitalist societies has tended naturally towards crises.

The more recent rise in inequality in nearly all high-income countries also has economic and political causes and consequences. Globalisation, technological progress, the rising importance of finance and the emergence of winner-takes-all markets are the economic forces. Plutocracy then emerges and reinforces the tendency towards in­equality. Evidence from the US shows, for example, that politicians routinely ignore the concerns of the lower- and middle-income groups.

It seems unlikely, argues Milanovic, that the forces driving rising inequality inside nearly all economies will reverse in the foreseeable future. On this, he is a little more optimistic about China than about the US. As the growth of China’s labour force slows, real wages are starting to rise strongly. Moreover, political pressures from below and the need for a consumption-led economy might force the government to shift incomes towards the middle and bottom.

In the case of the US and other high-income countries, the forces behind rising inequality are powerful. The redistributive policies of the mid-20th century would also now be difficult to implement because it is harder to tax mobile capital and people. If the benign forces look weak, what about the malign ones? In the high-income countries, we are witnessing movements towards not only plutocracy but also nationalist populism. Indeed, the two go together. We do not yet know how this will end. Milanovic even asks whether democratic capitalism will endure.

If globalisation is making the world more equal and most countries, especially the high-income ones, rather less so, should we regard this as a beneficial development? Milanovic favours the cosmopolitan yardstick: if the world’s poor and middle classes are doing relatively well, that is good. At the same time, he is understandably concerned about what is happening within high-income countries.

One argument for this is that globalisation might not be politically sustain­able. This applies particularly to migr­ation. Free movement of people may be viewed as a natural corollary of free movement of goods, services and capital. In practice, the result is a reaction against globalisation. The popularity of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen shows that the less successful will fight for their citizenship rent. The era of globalisation has produced beneficial outcomes. But it has also created huge challenges. If ever-rising inequality within countries is to be avoided, redistribution of the income from capital, or of wealth, seems to be an inescapable part of the answer. Is this politically possible? Probably not — in which case, the political future of the west looks bleak. Ever-rising inequality looks a highly unlikely combination with any genuine democracy. It is to the credit of Milanovic’s book that it brings out these dangers so clearly, along with the important global successes of the past few decades.
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