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Andy mentioned that the tour was organised out of Australia. That doesn't surprise me at all, we have an unusually large segment both of the left and of the Arabic population that shill for Assad here. With the left it probably relates to a bit of isolation, just catching onto bits and pieces of shallow "anti-imperialist" BS from abroad and from some celebrity leftists; with sections of the Arabic community, of course it is by no means overwhelming or even majority, but when we hear of Arab and especially Syrian activists in the US, UK etc, we often hear of a lot of activism around the Syrian revolution; for some reason, Sydney in particular seems a hotbed of Lebanese-Syrian Christian/Alawite/Islamophobic Shabia types (they go way back before the outbreak of the Syrian uprising), including a significant base of the Syrian National Socialist Party (SSNP), you know, the ones that wave the swastika.

That said, I have no idea who this mob are. They are the 'Social Justice network', who have a website that looks brand new (http://socialjustice.net.au/). The usual list of "home" "about", "contact" etc at top of webpage, but one additional one, "international tours of peace to Syria." A FB page where one in two posts is dedicated to attacking the Greens (even posting a vicious red-baiting article from Murdoch's idiosyncratically right-wing 'Australian' attacking a leading left-wing Green, Lee Rhiannon, as a Stalinist), even for Greens support for ... "terrorism," and the other half are posts about their tours to "Potemkin villages", not in Communist states, but in Assad's fascist state.

It is often noted that Australian fauna and flora are interesting.

-----Original Message----- From: Andrew Pollack via Marxism
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:36 AM
To: Michael Karadjis
Cc: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Mondoweiss pimps for Assad

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see also Louis's earlier piece:
and a great guide - ironically at mondo - by Ramah Kudaimi:

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

On 4/25/16 5:47 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

The delegation was organized by an explicitly pro-Assad group and the
reportback is unabashedly pro-regime, pro-Russia genocide.

I just posted a comment:

Sad to see Jeff Klein writing this kind of garbage. I knew him back in the late 80s when he was involved with Tecnica and when both of us had high
hopes that the FSLN could have succeeded in building an alternative to
neoliberalism. But writing this kind of pap for a blood-drenched tyranny whose top capitalist crony of Bashar al-Assad was revealed to be hiding
billions in Panama banks really makes me want to throw up.

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