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 In support of the
"Break Free from Fossil Fuels" protests 

(From a leaflet by the Seattle Communist Study Group for this weekend's 
environmental actions)

This May thousands of people are participating in Break Free from fossil 
fuels protests all over the world. There is no wonder why. Last year had the 
highest global temperatures ever recorded and this year that trend continues. 
And if the main cause of this warming--burning fossil fuels--is not quickly 
stopped the majority of Earth's people face hell.

But it is not being stopped rapidly enough, and the reason for this is a 
question of class struggle:

*On one side* the capitalists are making untold profits by either extracting 
carbon fuels, running industries directly dependent on these fuels (like 
auto), or running industries dependent on these two; and it is the 
capitalists and state-capitalists (as in China) who control the governments 
of the world.  What's more, despite the corporate-paid deniers, the 
capitalist governments know the great crisis global warming is bringing 
humanity. Indeed, many of their politicians have been warning of it all this 
century. But capitalist political opinion remains stuck in neo-liberalism. 
The result is a vain search for market solutions to carbon emissions, such as 
"cap and trade." But market solutions have failed, or will fail (see the 
article below), and often cause major ecological fiascoes of their own. (1)

On the other side are the working and poor people of the world. Every year 
hundreds of thousands of them are already dying or becoming climate refugees, 
with the masses in the poor countries, indigenous peoples, and national 
minorities most severely affected.

But they are not just victims, they are fighting back.  And it is from this 
movement that the solutions to climate change are going to come. Its leading 
edge is saying: Carbon extracting and refining operations must be shut down. 
There must be a rapid transition to renewables and false solutions like 
nuclear power opposed. Workers laid off from fossil fuel industries must be 
given jobs with equal or better pay elsewhere. Indigenous rights must be 
protected and national-minority communities not slighted.

But to accomplish this means the movement must stand up with *political 
demands!*  Central in these must be the call for direct *environmental 
regulations*, including banning certain activities, and the call for 
*economic planning*, e.g., where will laid off coal and oil workers to go? 
Moreover, formulating and enforcing regulations and plans cannot be left up 
to government bureaucrats and the captains of industry meeting in closed 
rooms. There must be demands for openness and mass inclusion in everything, 
and continued protests and struggles when, in spite of everything, 
regulations or plans go against the interests of the working people, national 
minority communities, and indigenous peoples.

We can build a political movement that does this, and wins!  With only 
presently-existing technology, it is possible to drastically cut the use of 
carbon fuels, protect the environment, and still maintain or raise the 
masses' standard of living.(2)

(1) See for example, http://www.communistvoice.org/41cAlGore.html

(2) See for example, http://www.nohairshirts.com/

The carbon tax is another false solution,
and the IMF and World Bank are pushing it! 

(The second article on the leaflet)

The carbon tax is the latest fad in the search for market solutions to the 
problem of greenhouse gas emissions, i.e., it lets the polluters decide what 
to do when taxed, while the masses of workers and poor bear its burden. 
Mainstream environmentalism supports it, but some of the most active and best 
Climate Justice organizers support refined versions of it too. We think they 
should ask themselves why the neo-liberal advisor to Reagan and Thatcher, 
economist Milton Friedman, expressed support for the idea of a carbon tax way 
back in 1979, and why the imperialist International Monetary Fund and World 
Bank support it today. The following is a greatly shortened and edited 
version of the post at http://communistvoice.org/DWV-160429.html, which gives 
many references.

Workers around the world are being devastated by the market fundamentalism of 
the so-called "Washington Consensus", which is identified with such 
institutions as the IMF and the World Bank. These institutions are helping 
submerge the world in wave after wave of privatization, wage-cutting, 
elimination of entitlements, and "structural readjustment". They promised 
that market measures would bring economic development and prosperity, but the 
result has been misery on a mass scale, with entire countries devastated one 
after another.

So it should cause people to think twice that the IMF and the World Bank are 
now pushing hard for "carbon pricing" as the solution to the threat of global 
warming. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF, talks about how the 
carbon tax is a replacement for direct government action on the environment, 
which she regards as impractical. She supports the carbon tax as part of 
seeking to slow down other actions, e.g.,  "Myth number two is that a 
plethora of complex and cumbersome government policy interventions is the 
best way to reduce emissions, carbon dioxide being the most important-- (a 
long list of subsidies and regulations) I would push back somewhat on this 
approach as it is inefficient for climate policy and administratively 

The World Bank, through the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, also wants 
to use carbon pricing  in place of direct governmental measures to prevent 
greenhouse emissions. It says that "Instead of dictating who should reduce 
emissions where and how, a carbon price gives an economic signal and 
polluters decide for themselves whether to discontinue their polluting 
activity, reduce emissions, or continue polluting and pay for it."

The IMF and World Bank assure us that the carbon tax is supposed to fall on 
the polluters, and imagines that the pain it causes these polluters is 
supposed to cause them to abandon fossil fuels. The World Bank says "A price 
on carbon helps shift the burden for the damage back to those who are 
responsible for it, and who can reduce it."

But this is a lie. Carbon pricing is not a tax on the profits of the fossil 
fuel companies, and it doesn't directly effect their profits; the tax is 
imposed on the consumers of energy, or it is passed on to the consumer by the 
energy companies. These consumers include large-scale manufacturing firms, 
which will in turn pass on the tax to their customers. Workers, however, 
can't pass on the tax. Small truckers, fisher people, and others generally 
can't pass on the tax either. But the energy companies and other large 
corporate polluters can and will make their customers pay.

Meanwhile the IMF is demanding the removal of fuel and other subsidies from 
the mass of the population. Lagarde claims to be concerned about what this 
will do to the poor. She writes that "Targeted measures (e.g., adjustments to 
the tax system, stronger social safety nets) are generally a much better way 
to help the poor."  But in practice, these other measures just never seem to 
appear; indeed, the whole point of IMF structural adjustment is tear up the 
safety net. A real alternative to the present system of subsidies in various 
countries would have to include serious economic planning for mass welfare, 
and guarantees for the people's welfare, combined with government programs 
that ensure there are alternatives to environmentally harmful fuels and 
products; but the IMF and World Bank are opponents of such planning and of 
such a government role.

The IMF and the World Bank are advising governments about how to plan their 
systems of carbon pricing. So the working class and the militant 
environmental movement need to pay attention to the IMF and the World Bank, 
and decide their attitude to the market measures backed by the IMF and World 
Bank. Should we believe the sugared words of the IMF and World Bank, or look 
at the real results of the "Washington Consensus", privatization, and 

Today part of the bourgeoisie still denies that human activity is causing 
global warming. Another part of the bourgeoisie talks about global warming 
and even claims to be taking measures against it. But it's not taking 
effective measures. It talks and talks, and signs one solemn pledge after 
another, and greenhouse emissions get higher and higher. Some measures the 
bourgeoisie has taken in the name of environmentalism [have] actually made 
things worse, such as the promotion of natural gas and fracking, or the World 
Bank financing the building of the huge Medupi coal power station in South 
Africa. We need to consider whether the emphasis on carbon pricing is another 
fiasco of world neo-liberalism, which sabotages the environment for the sake 
of providing many profitable opportunities for large corporations and the 
rich. Do we really want to bet the fate of our planet on the supposed wisdom 
of the IMF and the World Bank?

For more on the carbon tax see 

For a list of environmental books and other materials see 

The Seattle Communist Study Group can be reached at 

The PDF form of the leaflet is available at 

-- Joseph Green

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