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I think this is crap methodology here expressed not by a scientist or
anthropologist but by someone who projects their own anthropomorphic
projections into the discussion. The setting up of straw-man arguments and
then knocking them down is pretty common in this sort of setting: "people
didn't believe animans had intelligence...". Wow...really? Name one person.

The last haiku like nonsense he uses "...The credo of experimental science
remains that an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If we fail
to find a capacity in a given species, our first thought ought to be 'Did
we overlook something?' And the second should be 'Did our test fit the
species?..." --> Believe in god much?

These sort of "popular science" (read: no scientific method whatsoever) is
common among animal rights activists who wish to pass laws elevating
animals to the level of human beings and outlaw the eating of animal
proteins based on nothing more than "Animals are people too". Which,
fortunately, is not likely to happen.

David W.
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