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   Resubmitted with a title that keeps it in its proper file fwiw

   Louis Proyect wrote

   By Jeff St. Clair



   I think it's pointless to dump on Bernie Sanders any more at this
   point. To say that Bernie did not win black and Hispanic votes
   because he voted for Clinton's Crime Bill and "could never connect
   with the most vulnerable voters in the country' , which " alone
   doomed his campaign" is not a very adequate analysis of that issue.

   "Running as an economic revolutionary, Sanders spent most of his
   time in the cozy milieu of college campuses instead of in desolate
   urban landscapes or working-class suburbs. It’s hard to earn the
   trust of poor people when you don’t spend much time in their company."

   That's not at all what I saw. I saw many reports of Sanders rallies
   in black and Hispanic areas of the Los Angeles basin, including east
   and south L.A, and in the Richmond and south Bay Area, Chico and
   blighted northern counties, during his three weeks in California -
   so much so that Hillary had to come back to the state to campaign.

   Glen Ford is far closer to the mark in pointing out that black
   people are a captured demographic; they can't go anywhere, so the
   Democratic machines can again use them and ignore them; he says in
   effect that they will remain loyal to the Democrats until they
   perceive that the white Republican Party is not the overarching
   threat; that if the Republican Party is rendered obsolete or
   fractured in the fracas over Trump, black voters could very quickly
   shed that allegiance; and that they "are the real social democratic
   constituency" (as are Hispanics). They will be absolutely frustrated
   in any event, but that's their stance on presidential elections. Not
   so much the younger blacks anymore, who are coming up front against
   the Democrats, in the #black Lives matter movement, for instance.

   As for the Crime Bill, it's well to remember that Bill Clinton, who
   launched a 20-year long war on America’s blacks and Hispanics, at a
   campaign rally in Philadelphia for his wife angrily told black lives
   matter protesters they are "defending the people who kill the lives
   that matter to you" after facing growing criticism that the 1994
   crime bill he championed while president led to a surge in the
   imprisonment of black people and destroyed black communities; and
   had those who held signs that read "black youth are not super
   predators" quickly removed from the event. And also the footage of
   Hillary Clinton defending the bill in 1994 by calling people in
   gangs "super predators" who should be "brought to heel", which was
   widely circulated during the campaign by activists and the black
   lives matter movement. Not to ignore his role in helping to destroy
   the welfare platform supporting immense numbers of poor children in
   America. Certainly, you can criticize Bernie Sanders for voting for
   the Crime Bill, but implying a false equivalency to the Clintons on
   that ground alone would be a cheap shot.

   St. Clair acknowledges that "Sanders raised more than $212 million,
   a staggering amount, mostly from small online donors. He didn’t
   incur large debts and doesn’t owe any financial obligations to the
   usual Democratic Party loan sharks. He broke the money-dispensing
   monopoly of the DNC and deserves credit for that."

    From the Politico article, I sense that aides wanted Sanders to go
   for the tactical jugular against Clinton, take on Clinton’s email
   server investigation and Bill Clinton’s sex scandals. Sanders was
   right in avoiding personal attacks and running a clean campaign by
   sticking to issues. To that extent, he has served his constituency well.

   St. Clair does not mention in his piece that Bernie was also, very
   significantly, talking about real issues, and that this was greatly
   frustrating to Hillary who wants to move to what Glen Ford describes
   as "a big tent right wing party" by capturing Republicans opposed to
   Trump, allowing her to ignore that part of her base in minority
   communities - to whom she has to spin, equivocate and lie repeatedly
   - whereas the last thing she wants to go on about are their issues.
   Nor does she want to have to defend her corporate constituency
   against Bernie's allegations, or to have to talk any more, from now
   until November, about the corporate campaign kitty, the Clinton
   Foundation or the content of her lucrative speeches to her
   transnational corporate sponsors, whom she and Bill have shared with
   Republicans for all of their political careers. None of that would
   be present if she were just running against her Republican brethren.
   Bill Clinton along with white politicians preponderantly from the
   South co-founded the right wing DLC. He twice ran on platforms
   moving as far to the right as possible to head off Republicans, with
   Hillary at his side, specifically to curtail the rising electoral
   power of black voters in the South and labor. It's the only kind of
   campaign they know how to run, as Glen Ford says of Hillary, "This
   old dog has but one trick." And so, Bernie should just go away, and
   stop interfering with the plan for Clinton's candidacy to unite the
   corporate world around the Clinton dynasty. So that they can
   continue to make the world safe for their really so TNC
   constituents, savagely stomp on dissenters and smooth the path
   globally - by any means necessary.

   St. Clair says "the Sanders campaign fed them one illusory scenario
   after another". I got all the emails that the Sanders campaign sent.
   I did not sense that I was being fed "one illusory scenario after
   another". The campaign information was hopeful but quite consistent
   in acknowledging the long shot that the campaign became after the
   east coast "Super Tuesday". St, Clair continues, "In the end, he
   lost [in California] by more than 400,000 votes, a humiliating
   margin that can’t be written off to voter suppression or hacked
   machines." I followed the polls on the California primary. It's my
   home state, although I live up in the poorer northern rural tier of
   counties, which came in solidly for Bernie to the end. Bernie's poll
   numbers, in California as in so many other places rose consistently,
   from being double digits down to a neck and neck race well within
   the margin of error at the end. And contrary to what St. Clair says
   and aside from other ways in which the election was rigged, there's
   no denying the effect of the way the primaries were staggered, with
   the southern US polls coming first, where Clinton ran best, giving
   her initial momentum; the discouraging fact that the California
   primary, with the most delegates, occurred at the end of the
   campaign; California independent voters being prevented from getting
   the proper ballots, as Greg Palast
   the AP announcement before the California polls had even opened that
   Hillary had locked up the nomination - all of which had a markedly
   dampening effect on voters' inclination to get up and go to their
   voting precincts, which had a whole lot to do with the disparity in
   the final results in California.

   And why wouldn't Sanders be dumbfounded by the success of his
   campaign? He has repeatedly said so. No one expected much of
   anything at the outset, but he found that he had caught the crest of
   a wave of disaffection against the establishment especially on the
   part of young voters, who were registering to vote in massive
   numbers, many for the first time, and specifically to vote for him.
   That he had problems, as his campaign reaped funds and supporters
   and had to rapidly expand, with recruiting trusted staff from the
   cynical ranks of available professionals, and that he now has
   problems with how to follow up on what he has perpetrated, is not
   surprising at all. And in how he has built on the potential he found
   shows that Sanders is a savvier politician than almost anyone has
   given him credit for - as the Politico article acknowledges.

   Also from the Politico article, I sense that aides wanted him to go
   for the jugular against Clinton, take on Clinton’s email server
   investigation and Bill Clinton’s sex scandals. Sanders was right in
   avoiding personal attacks and running a clean campaign by sticking
   to issues that mattered to people. To that extent he certainly
   served his constituency well. The Democratic establishment of course
   want his now-massive email list, and a lot rides on their getting
   it. It is certain that, with Obama calling him in, the pressure to
   do so is heavy. Sanders has to choose whether to endorse Hillary or
   just campaign hard against Trump without signing up to do much for
   her directly. And assuming the decision is his to make, what kind of
   long-term organization to build out of his email list.

   Glen Ford rightly said yesterday that the moment of truth has come
   for Sanders. He must act according to the logic of the “movement”
   that he claims to lead, or bow to the logic of the duopoly political
   system. “If Sanders folds before Philadelphia – as early as this
   week, if the White House has its way – then history will treat him
   as a saboteur of the 'movement' that he claimed to lead.” But the
   important thing to keep in mind, of course, is not Bernie (as he has
   repeatedly reminded us), but the resurgence going forward, and its
   possible effects, here in the heartland of capitalism, on what
   appears to be the increasingly flailing system.

   My step-daughter announced yesterday that she and friends up here in
   Humboldt and Del Norte counties are going to Philadelphia to join
   the Sandernista rallies in July - with absolutely no prompting from
   their old socialist relative and friend, who's been quiet about his
   biases. The only advice I would offer is to be aware of the
   importance in any movement of knowing your reliable allies and above
   all your enemies, their capabilities and their vulnerabilities; in
   their actions, to choose those factions with an effective focus on
   specific and relevant issues having direct impact on people's life
   chances, unlike so many movements in the past; to recognize the
   limitations of identity issues; and to prepare to be clobbered by
   the media and to know what to do when confronted by the highly
   sophisticated, repressive police presence that they'll encounter.

   St. Clair says in conclusion, "Your move, Sandernistas." So where is
   St. Clair, if not identifying as a Sandernista for whom it's "your
   move"? I look for him to publish more penetrating stuff than what I
read here.

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