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At 23:46 06-07-16 +1000, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:
>Fisk, who till a few years ago was on top of my list of great 
>journalists, has taken to embedded journalism with a vengeance since the 
>Syrian uprising began, when he suddenly chucked away everything he had 
>previously written about the regime 

I'm embarrassed to say that I also held him in great regard, and eagerly
went to see him twice when he had speaking engagements here. And yes, I
remember very clearly at the time of the assassination of Rafiq Hariri (who
I gather Fisk had befriended) he emphatically blamed the Syrian government
-- this was before seeing any evidence and while other journalists were
avoiding any such rush to judgement. 

What a difference a few years of "embedded journalism" makes! It's often
assumed that being "embedded" simply means that the military unit you're
with controls what you do or don't get to witness. But it's much more
sinister than that. Being in the company of a fighting force 24/7 cannot
but help you gain sympathy both for the men and the perceptions and ideas
they espouse (or the ideas that are safe for them to express in such a
situation). In other words, it wins the journalist to the side they are
embedded with.

That should also be a lesson that activists should heed when dealing with
the press. Often we are (rightfully!) pissed-off at the press in some
situation, and our hostility can come out when they are asking for access
or interviewing us. There are even cases when an entire crowd can become
riled up against the press, chanting against them to their faces. And guess
what: that denunciation never gets covered in their reports! Reacting to
the press in such ways is extremely unwise, even when totally justified.
You have to remember that they are just people too, with feelings and
attitudes that can be swayed by personal interaction, not just by their
search for "objective truth." When talking to a reporter, it makes sense to
go out of your way to charm them in ways that would properly be denounced
as "opportunist" or "pandering" were it anyone else!

- Jeff

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