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*High priest of globalization lashes out against the enemies of progress *

We never really had a referendum on globalization in America. It just sort
of happened. People had jobs one day, then the next morning they were
fired, replaced by 14-year-olds in Indonesia or sweatshop laborers in
working in unsafe hell-holes without overtime or health care, beaten when
they don’t make quotas.

What exactly does "raising your game" mean in the context of that sort of

Globalization in the snap of a finger essentially erased nearly two
centuries of America's bloody labor history. It's as if the Thibodeaux
Massacre, the hangings of the Molly McGuires, the Pullman Strike, the *L.A.
Times* bombing, the Flint sit-in and thousands of other strikes and
confrontations never took place.

In the new paradigm, all of those agonizing controversies and wars of
political attrition, which collectively produced a vast set of rules and
standards for dealing with workers, were simply wiped away.

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