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First a comment on the article. I think this writer has an idea of a
monolithic "black leadership" that doesn't exist. I know what the "white
political establishment" is. That would be the 3 branches or govt, and 2
major parties and all the major news outlets to begin with. What is this
"black political establishment" the CBC PAC & NAACP? They have no kind of
hegemony over the black community. The critique of Lewis & CBC is correct,
calling them the black political establishment is to give the term
"political establishment" a fantastical new meaning. They don't determine
how black's vote.

As to Dennis's comment about racist pogroms. I wouldn't make light of this
subject. There have been racist pogroms in black America's past and might
be our future if Trump and his supporters are victorious.

In defense of that view, I'd like to offer a little of what I've found in
this morning's Googling as to why the question of racist pogroms shouldn't
be talked about in a dismissive way only by those not likely to suffer from

Anyone serious about fighting white supremacy in the US has to understand
and combat this fast rising movement, those who tell us there is nothing
new to see here are its friends.

Trump Delegate Says Current US Leaders May Need to Be "Killed"
A Patriot Movement supporter, approved by the Trump campaign, talks of
violently overthrowing the federal government.

Trump militia forms to ‘forcefully protect’ rally goers against ‘far-left


<blockquote>This is NOT the web site of the organization that calls itself
The Lion Guard. This web site has been created to warn Americans who oppose
the presidential election of Donald Trump about the Lion Guard. The Lion
Guard web site is at LionsOfTrump [.net]

Fascist and Nazi Lion GuardOn Monday, March 15, a group calling itself the
Lion Guard has launched a web site, seeking to organize supporters of
Donald Trump into a militia to counter protests at Trump rallies. The group
claims to be “dedicated to the safety and security of Trump supporters,”
but has also declared itself willing to use violence, “willing to
forcefully protect” Donald Trump from people it perceives to be threats.

Over the weekend, the Lion Guard organized a Twitter account, which quickly
gained over 500 followers, but then shut down in under 24 hours. This led
many to believe that the Lion Guard was defunct. Attention to the militia
faded, but it soon popped up again at a different Twitter account, and now
is organizing through its own web site.
The reason Trump supporters use the lion in their materials is revealed in
the main image from the Lion Guard web site, the image you see at the top
of the article. The image of a lion is accompanied by the motto,“Better to
be a lion for a day than a lamb for eternity.”

That motto is almost a word-for-word translation of a favorite saying of
Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who said, “It is better to live
a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” Is it a coincidence that the
Lion Guard used this phrase in its call to form a militia for the “defense”
of Donald Trump from protesters?

Sadly, no. Donald Trump himself has used that same Mussolini quote to
promote his campaign. Trump refused to distance himself from Mussolini’s
words, and told reporters, when the public realized that Trump was citing a
bit of Fascist ideology, “It’s a very good quote.”
If there is any question that perhaps the lion isn’t really a symbol for
fascism, consider this image from the British Fascist party in the 1920s.
It features, front and center, a lion, and not a serene, peaceful,
defending lion, but a snarling lion, ready to attack.
The imagery of the Trump Lion Guard is also associated with Nazi Germany,
and with modern Nazi skinhead groups. One of the members of the Lion Guard,
using the Twitter username Rhalitra and the white supremacist “anti-cuck”
code word, appears to be at the core of the new organization, using a
clean, side profile version of the group’s lion icon that has been seen
nowhere else before.

Rhalitra also uses another form of the Lion Guard graphic, a black and
white version of the graphic in the middle of a good deal of ornamentation,
and the motto “God With Trump” on top. God with Trump sounds innocuous,
until one realizes that a nearly identical design was worn by Nazis during
World War II, with only one different word in the motto: Uns. The Nazi
motto was Gott Mit Uns — God With Us.
Here, Rhalitra’s graphic is in the middle. On the left is a graphic used by
present-day neoNazis. On the right is a lapel pin worn by the Nazis. The
similarities cannot be accidental. The Lion Guard being designed by
American who idolize both the Italian Fascists and the Nazis. If you
squint, at the bottom of Rhalitra’s Nazi graphic you can just barely see
the letters MAGA — standing for Make America Great Again.

Those who cheer the formation of the Lion Guard militia to “defend” Donald
Trump should remember that Benito Mussolini rose to power on the strength
of his own militia, a group that also claimed to be “defending” the Fascist
leader from Socialist enemies.
The problem isn’t just that Donald Trump admires the words of Benito
Mussolini. It’s that Trump — and his supporters — admire the meaning behind
the words. Mussolini’s point, one that Trump and his fans embrace, is that
people must choose between being strong predators or weak prey, and that,
given this choice, it is better to prey upon the weak than to allow oneself
to become prey.

This is a fundamentally fascist concept, and one that is familiar to anyone
who has spent any time paying attention to Donald Trump’s speeches. Trump
is almost constantly talking about how how “strong” he is, and how “weak”
his rivals are. He complains that other leaders have allowed the United
States to become a nation of weak losers, while he will ensure that our
country starts winning — that he will Make America Great Again.

Trump promises to show no mercy to his enemies. He promises to torture, to
engage in mass executions, to lock up cultural minorities in prison or
exile them, to “bomb the shit out them.”
White Genocide     -    Summer of Chaos

In Tennessee, Rick Tyler, an independent candidate for the state’s 3rd
Congressional District, put up a billboard that read, “Make America White
Again,” and specifically credited Donald Trump for “loosen[ing] up the
overall spectrum of political discourse.” According to Raw Story, he also
planned another billboard, this one reading, “Mamas, don’t let your babies
grow up to be miscegenators.”</blockquote>

<blockquote>From the candidacy of Donald Trump to the British decision to
leave the European Union (EU), from the rise of a radical movement of
antigovernment county sheriffs to a metastasizing rage aimed at political
and economic elites, something important and incredibly dangerous is
happening in the Western world.
It sounds like many on this list disagree with the SPLC & me. They want to
lull us to sleep by telling us all of this is nothing new, nothing really
to worry about. They are friends of this growing white supremacist
movement. While it is growing, they will focus on Clinton bashing. While
black people are being thrown out of Trump rallies today, they will keep
reminding us what Hilary said 22 years ago. [Is that the best they can come
up with?]

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Dennis Brasky via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> Why not? If Clay and others on the Left are correct that in 2016, Hillary
> is all that stands between Black America and racist pogroms, then she needs
> that blank check!
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> > http://inthesetimes.com/article/19361/the-black-establishmen
> > ts-blank-check-for-hillary
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