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>Ironically, one defender of the owner of The Commons decided to build on
Right-wing tactics of misinformation by inverting the meaning of words when
he absurdly claimed that “There are zionist-fascists who are trying to
destroy The Brooklyn Commons as a venue for radical events.” Huh? People
who oppose neo-Nazism, and condemn anti-Semitism on a Left basis, are
fascists — and Zionists! Truly remarkable. That statement can be dismissed
as the desperate agitprop of an individual who has burned many a bridge.

Lost all credibility with me here. That is transparently what those who
initially sounded the alarm about the Commons and tried to tar the left as
a whole were: Zionists who wanted to tar the Commons as a venue for radical
events, specifically Sieradski, not to mention at least one person from the
Anti-Defamation League and a few other marginal Zio-left figures whose only
relevance appears to be shouting about even more marginal figures.

The rest of the article sounds like same obsessive attempt to tarnish the
Left for the failure to address a problem that the liberal and white left
has shamelessly exaggerated for years. The fact that this moron can
generate this much discussion and this many public disavowals, including
from groups that have no relation to the venue, considering the
pervasiveness of other forms of intolerance on the Left that have become
staples, particularly Islamophobia, shows how misguided these "critiques"
are. Note also at one point the author suggests that the "5 dancing
Israelis" motif used in 9/11 conspiracy theories is a sign of
anti-Semitism. The fact that 5 Israeli men were arrested on 9/11 during a
massive immigration sweep for "suspicious behavior" is a fact
<http://mondoweiss.net/2015/11/celebration-laughing-israelis/>; whether or
not it proves Israel did 9/11 is another thing. I'm not sure how the author
can begin the piece by admitting that there are legitimate motives for
people to be suspicious about 9/11 and then conclude by suggesting that a
using a story about alleged government agents is a sign of racism.

- Amith

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 11:30 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> https://systemicdisorder.wordpress.com/2016/09/14/anti-semit
> ism-and-the-left/
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