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Nader: "I will never vote for someone who is going to engage in illegal armed force, unconstitutional killing of innocent people, selling Washington to Wall Street and driving our country into the ground, all the time sugarcoating the American people on TV with rhetoric."

He has that about right, except that he doesn't mention the two candidates' weak or non-existent positions on the most important issues facing us, the collapsing environment, and spelling out what "selling Washington to Wall Street" really means, in terms of the rapacious use of force to be used by mega-oligopolies whose only concern is concentration and centralization of capital and its unlimited expansion, truly by any means necessary including the complete destruction of civilization and the habitable planet. The deranged objective of capital is to subdue all opposition on the globe wherever it occurs and to pull everyone into line behind them. That is the inexorable recipe for saving capital, with its stagnant, flailing economy, increasing global joblessness and impoverishment, and its staggering indebtedness in the unimaginable trillions of dollars. Hillary Clinton no less than Donald Trump is in pursuit of those same objectives. Savage destruction becomes a virtual certainty on the present course, which is why at the least we use our ineffectual franchise to protest against what's happening to us, and in the absence of any effective organization of the rest of us to at least register by that sorry vote the extent of resistance, and some indication of our own potential power.

And wtf does anyone think minorities, people of color, the poor and the rest of the people on the planet are going to get under the Democrats - or the Republicans - other than what they have been getting for years under those regimes and worse? What are they getting now? How safe is a Black person confined to the so-called informal economy and a life in prison now from a shooting death at the hands of police on American streets? How safe is an immigrant coming up from Central America, where NAFTA, CAFTA and US finance capital have destroyed their life chances in their home countries?

What kind of hapless dream world do the Hillary advocates who purport to be on the left live in? And if they're not on the left, why don't they troll elsewhere?

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