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Very foolish of him to consider Trump to be less hawkish. I am surprised
given the sophistication of the rest of his positions (not that I agree
with all of them) that he would believe something so ridiculous.

That being said, the rest of the article looks like a fairly accurate
condemnation of Trump and his Zionism.

On Thursday, December 29, 2016, Ken Hiebert via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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>  Philip Giraldi still struggling with his support for Trump.  Looks like
> Trump is a victim of Israeli pushiness.
>                         ken h
> http://www.councilforthenationalinterest.org/new/?p=4305#.WGUzWiMrKh0
> While the presidential campaign was still in progress it was possible to
> think that there might be some positive change in America’s broken foreign
> policy. Hillary Clinton was clearly the candidate of Washington
> Establishment hawkishness, while Donald Trump was declaring his
> disinclination for democracy and nation building overseas as well as
> promoting détente with Russia. Those of us who considered the foreign
> policy debacle to be the most dangerous issue confronting the country,
> particularly as it was also fueling domestic tyranny, tended to vote on the
> basis of that one issue in favor of Trump.
> Trump might think he is ushering in a new era of American policy based on
> American interests but it is beginning to look a lot like same-old same-old
> but even worse, and Benjamin Netanyahu will be very much in the driver’s
> seat.
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- Amith
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