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"Socialist Alliance leaders". You do pull out the thunderous old Trot
polemic lingo sometimes. Well I've just had a flick through the "Tony
Iltis" tag on the GL site
https://www.greenleft.org.au/glw-authors/tony-iltis. On my phone on the
tram to work it's true but I think what I say here is pretty accurate. Up
to the end of 2014 at least his articles included, as well as describing
the universally noted sectarianisation of the conflict, statements like,
"There are local revolutionary committees throughout Syria that reflect, to
varying degrees, the democratic values of the 2011 uprising. But these
committees are generally uncoordinated"
From 2015 his articles note the range of ideological bases of armed groups
but put the more or less democratic local organizing in the past tense. I
think it's wrong not to acknowledge there's *something* left of this
aspect, at the least for the pedagogical purposes of relating what ordinary
people do in struggle.

But how little is left of the local committees and "civil society" or how
much of a national-democratic character to the armed struggle is left is
unclear to me. Noting the importance of the "increasing marginalisation" as
Leila Shami puts it of democratic and progressive aspects of the uprising,
or the decisive shift in balance between FSA and Islamist groups  — not
just those with an Islamic name, but with reactionary, far right-wing,
sectarian politics — in the armed struggle, is hardly unique to Tony Itlis.
It's what Jonathon Littel observed starting in 2012 in Homs and has
analysed since, it's what Theo Padnos found when purported FSA units and
supporters twice handed him over to al Nusra to be tortured between 2012
and 2014, it's what Syrian journalists writing in Tahrir-ICN relayed by
Tony have expressed. I note that the list of groups the Russian state
apparatus have decided are "moderate", that you seemed to think had some
significance, doesn't even include the FSA. We should be clear the war was
caused by a dictatorship that's in terminal crisis one way or another, and
is not a western conspiracy against a legitimate government, we should
demand direct humanitarian aid to people affected by the war and a massive
increase in Western refugee intake from Syria, we should support any
democratic and progressive alternatives to Assad, which to my mind includes
the effort at a multi-ethnic, non-sectarian, democratic zone run by working
people in the Northern Syrian Federation.

On Wednesday, January 11, 2017, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> On 1/10/17 9:20 PM, Nick Fredman via Marxism wrote:
>> Louis is exaggerating and cherry picking, whether wilfully or not. Salih
>> Muslim whatever faults he may have (and the PKK current seems to have
>> clearer and more radical spokespeople than him), has never said "there can
>> be no solution to the conflict in Syria without Bashar al-Assad remaining
>> in power".
> No, in fact it is the Socialist Alliance leaders that are cherry-picking.
> I have no idea what has happened with Tony Iltis since I haven't heard much
> from him lately along these lines lately but he set the tone for your group
> when he characterized the FSA in 2014 as bandits and warlords a couple of
> years ago. Shame on you.
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