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By Bill Fletcher Jr.

What passes for identity politics should actually be understood as social justice struggles that aim for consistent democracy and become, as a result, component parts of the larger class struggle. These are not battles around one’s identity. This is not self-indulgent activity by people who, for whatever reason, do not recognize the importance of economics. This is what has made problematic several of the statements by Senator Sanders both prior to and following the November 8th election.

Shortly after the Election, in response to a woman who asked about becoming a Latina Senator, Sanders offered a complex answer. He acknowledged the need for more women elected officials and more elected officials of color. But he said that he wanted to make sure that they were focused on the working class. He ended by suggesting the need to move away from identity politics.

One can agree with Senator Sanders that it is critical to move beyond any sorts of politics that is simply about “faces” in high places. And, when looking at the totality of the Senator’s remarks, there is important value. But because of the lack of a consensus about the actual nature of so-called identity politics, Sanders proposal to move away from it is, at best, confusing. Identity politics, at least the way that it has been used as a term since the Election, describes a politics that asserts the need for representation of historically marginalized and oppressed populations; and the representation of their issues. In that sense, what we are discussing is social justice and not something that should even be described as “identity politics.” It is more a politics of inclusion and for democracy rather than a politics of distinctiveness or uniqueness.

full: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/identity-politics-social-justice

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