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"Bob Bland, fashion designer in New York, co-chairwoman of the Women’s
March on Washington.

'It’s a daily mental practice...'"

(For context, she's the one who designed the "official Women's March hoodies" 
you could buy through their website for $55.)

Liberals discredit themselves with stuff like that tbh - although that only 
means anything if the Left is actively there offering a concrete alternative to 
"resist by thinking resist-y thoughts every day (and buying my company's 

The approach my group's been taking in Seattle has been to participate with 
enthusiasm in the protests and whatnot, but at the same time rhetorically 
emphasize that the Dems and GOP are equally vehicles of Trumpism and that while 
Trump the man is a symptom, they're actually part of the disease.

Personally, my prediction is that if Trump doesn't die or resign, the GOP will 
impeach him, at which point the Dems will end up actively supporting Pence 
doing everything the can to demobilize everyone who's gotten politicized over 
this. The only way we can avoid being caught in their contradiction and maybe 
salvage some momentum when the impeachment comes is by doing anti-Trump stuff 
but framing the Dems as an equally big enemy.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Marxism] ‘Resist’ Is a Battle Cry, but What Does It Mean?
Local Time: February 15, 2017 5:56 AM
UTC Time: February 15, 2017 1:56 PM
From: marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Sophia Burns <sophia.bu...@protonmail.com>

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(As a movement develops against Trumpism, it will require adroit
strategic and tactical maneuvers for the left to develop its own base
within the dominant Democratic Party hegemon. The easiest thing would be
to stand apart to preserve ideological purity but revolutionary politics
has never been easy.)

NY Times, Feb. 15 2017
‘Resist’ Is a Battle Cry, but What Does It Mean?
by Yamiche Alcindor

‘Resist’ has become a one-word battle cry for the anti-Trump forces. But
what does it mean?

Charlene Carruthers, 31, the national director of Black Youth Project 100.

Bayard Rustin’s call for civil disobedience and direct action tells us
that “the only weapon we have is our bodies and we have to tuck them in
places so wheels don’t turn.” Even if it that’s not your jam, everyone
has a role in creating a society where we divest from things that punish
and invest in real community-based measures that keep us safe. It will
take community organizers, cultural workers, farmers, caretakers and
builders. Now is the time to go big; we have everything to gain.

Enrique Morones, 60, of San Diego, executive director and founder of
Border Angels.

On Nov. 9, 2016, thousands came to our doors and website saying: “Que
paso? What do we do now?” Resist, we told them. Be informed about your
rights, join the masses, register to vote or get others to vote. This
April, for the fourth time, Border Angels will open the door of hope,
and children will hug deported parents and grandparents at the wall.

Bob Bland, fashion designer in New York, co-chairwoman of the Women’s
March on Washington.

It’s a daily mental practice to galvanize yourself and to remind
yourself to not become acclimated to this barrage of executive orders
and then people being stripped of their rights because that is not what
this country was founded on, and we should be moving forward not
backwards. And that is why we all have to get out onto the streets and act.

Tamika D. Mallory, 36, gun control activist and co-chairwoman of the
Women’s March on Washington.

I think it looks like a variety of things that all make people
uncomfortable and not able to rest well and feel like what they are
doing is O.K. And I think it’s important that white people particularly
go on record and say we don’t agree with the actions of this
administration because there are some who will sit back and say, “The
majority population was O.K. with this.” So it’s important that white
people are on the record saying, “We don’t stand with you on what you
are doing to these marginalized communities.”

Aisha Dew, political and arts consultant living in Charlotte, N.C.

“Resist” means to stand for the people who already make America great.
The United States is diverse because we are a country of immigrants who
came to America for freedom and a better way of life. Although I am the
descendant of slaves, I recognize that there are many who came here to
escape starvation, death, persecution and war. And as a descendant of
slaves, I know that America has been challenged throughout history to
deliver on its promise of freedom for all, but has also been slowly
moving toward justice for all.

Symone D. Sanders, 27, of Washington, former national press secretary
for the Bernie Sanders campaign.

We have to resist the urge to roll over and go with the flow. We have to
resist the want to normalize what has happened over the last year and
resist the tendency to take our eye off of the ball of the issues. It is
so easy to just subscribe to the notion that “this is the world we live
in,” but the resistance demands we challenge that. The resistance
demands that we stand up for what we know is right and true, not because
it is popular, but because it is necessary.

Dusty Klass, 30, a rabbi in Charlotte, N.C., who has been protesting
police killings.

For me, to resist means resisting the temptation to assume, to decide
who a person is before spending time with him or her. Resist writing
other people’s stories for them. Resist the urge to hide, to click over
to something else when that difficult truth pops up on your screen.
Resist the opportunity to just keep walking, to avoid eye contact. And
more than anything, resist the ease of just being angry — dig down past
that anger, toward the pain.

Jimmy Dahman, 25, former organizer for Hillary Clinton who runs Town
Hall Project 2018, which created a Google spreadsheet listing the public
appearances of members of Congress.

We have worked hard to get to where we are, and it’s a little scary that
we could move backwards in the next two or four years. So to me it’s
making sure we are protecting what we have gained and pushing the
envelope further and working to engage more people in the process

Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, 47, of Seattle, executive director of MomsRising.

One of the things that resistance means to me is not buying into Donald
Trump’s ridiculous and wrong vision of America as only a place of
carnage and understanding that we need to resist his description of what
we are and know that it is the diversity of our country that has made us
a strong and prosperous nation and not the opposite.

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