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Of course, Keith Ellison isn’t the root cause of his own political timidity. It is the larger Democratic Party of which he is a part and to which he must appeal as a DNC chair candidate. Most party officials who will be voting for chair are part of an entrenched party machine. Their careers depend on serving the Democratic establishment and its allies, including wealthy donors. And that requires opposing anyone who would seriously push substantial party reforms.

Thus, regardless of who wins the race for DNC chair, the Democratic Party’s deep interests will continue to clash with progressives’ basic goals. As a result, a strong case can be made that left-leaning people must break from the Democratic Party if they want to achieve their aims. Even those who still hope to sway the party could be better off doing it from the outside, where they might pose enough of a partisan threat to exert some real leverage.

full: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/progressives-need-a-new-party-not-a-new-dnc-chair_us_58af05bde4b01f4ab51c775d
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