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Trump in Perspective: Fascism or Just More      Barbarism?


My comment on the article.
                ken h

While fascists have taken heart form the Trump victory, I agree with the author 
that we are not at the point of fascism.
My understanding of fascism is that it is a mass movement and it has the 
capacity to engage in street combat.  The relationship of forces has not gone 
that far, as yet.

During the wonderful airport demonstrations I caught a fragment on cable TV 
that suggested Trump supporters were on their way to the Los Angeles airport.  
I heard no more about that.  A strong fascist movement would have been able to 
mobilize anti-immigrant demonstrations at the airports, even going so far as to 
attack the pro-immigrant demonstrations.

Again and again, since the inauguration, we have seen people in the street.  
The Women's March, the Yemeni bodega owners, the Day(s) Without Immigrants.
No doubt there were fascists that would have wanted to attack these 
demonstrations.  But they did not have the forces.
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