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*“The Only position that PFP (Peace and Freedom Party) has Re Syria is that
we oppose any and all US/ Nato Intervention….”*So wrote a prominent member
of the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) in defense of hosting Rick Sterling,
representative of the pro-capitalist Syria Solidarity Movement, at a
meeting. (The PFP is a small socialist electoral party in California.) This
PFP member’s argument is common among many on the socialist left, so it’s
useful to understand the real meaning of this argument as well as who
groups like the Syria Solidarity Movement (SSM) and people like Rick
Sterling are and what connections they have.

*Syria Solidarity Steering Committee*On the SSM steering committee is Susan
Dirgham, who in turn is linked with the Catholic fundamentalist Mother
Agnes Mariam. There is Eva Bartlett, open mouthpiece for the reactionary,
chauvinist Putin regime and a proven liar
is Paul Larudee, former executive of the pro-capitalist Ford Foundation.
There is Sarah Flounders of the International Action Center (IAC) and
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) – both of which are wholly-owned
subsidiaries of the Workers World Party. In 2014, the IAC and UNAC
participated in a conference in Russia organized by the Anti-Globalization
Movement of Russia, which is a fascist-linked group
it is not outright fascist itself. Several European fascist groups were
there as well as the racist and fascist US “Confederate League of the
South.” UNAC and IAC had no problem meeting with them and returned with
glowing reports on the conference. And SSM has no problem having their
representative on their steering committee.

*Rich Sterling*As for Rick Sterling as an individual, among other things,
he is a regular contributor  <http://theduran.com/?s=Rick+Sterling>to
“TheDuran.com”. This is an openly pro-Putin web site that supports Putin’s
links <http://theduran.com/le-pen-hoax-russiagate-simple-move/> with the
racist, chauvinist Marine Le Pen in France. They also carry articles giving
political cover to Trump! It’s just the same as UNAC/IAC participation in
that fascist-linked conference, and Sterling has no problems associating
with these types either. A visit to Sterling’s Facebook page makes clear
that he, too, is a supporter of the repressive, chauvinist, neoliberal
capitalist Putin regime.

*And socialists have no problem giving the podium to this man!*
*Read full article here

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