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"It was a surreal scene straight out of “Brave New World”. A shirt sleeved
crowd, composed in part of representatives of climate change deniers like
the Koch Brothers’ “American Energy Alliance” and the “Competitive
Enterprise Institute”, waited in the “Rose Garden” for Trump’s announcement
of withdrawal from

Meanwhile the US Marine Jazz Band – part of the institution (the US
military) that burns more oil than any other on the planet – played
Gershwin’s “Summer Time and the Livin’ is Easy.”

... The day after the announcement was made, Foreign Policy – online
journal of the highly prestigious Council on Foreign Affairs – published an
article denouncing Trump’s decision. In “Why Abandoning Paris is a Disaster
(our emphasis) for America” they explained that “the genius (and reality)
of the Paris agreement is that it requires no particular policies at all….
(P)pulling out of the Paris deal in a fit of pique is an empty gesture.”
"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Asata Shakur
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com and //
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