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Two major anniversaries recently marked the significant change that has
taken place on the Spanish left in the last several years.

May 15 was the sixth anniversary of the *Indignados *mass mobilisations and
protests against the brutal austerity unleashed by Spanish government in
the wake of the economic crisis. Meanwhile, May 25 marked the third
anniversary since the emergence of Podemos as the political voice of the
anti-austerity movement with the election of the five Podemos candidates
(including key leader Pablo Iglesias) into the European Parliament.

Most recently, the Spanish political space has been dominated by the
aftermath of the presidential elections in France, as well as the
leadership election of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE).

*Denis Rogatyuk* of the *Green Left Weekly *spoke with *Miguel Urban, *a
member of European Parliament for Podemos, and a leader of the
Anti-Capitalist tendency in the party.


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