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Looks like Trump may have sealed his fate with this.  I've been thinking
since his declaration of candidacy that his personal financial ties with
Russian bankers would not settle easily with the rest of the ruling class
or the government hierarchies, unless he really took pains to disconnect
himself--at least superficially--from his business.  It became increasingly
clear that his special blend of aggressive ignorance and arrogance was
going to make that impossible.  Even with the U.S. media preoccupied with
other things, a few investigative journalists anywhere in the world are
going to be able to peel back enough of this story to force the hand of the
government investigators.

As to this recent jaunt, he not only had a back-slapping good time hanging
with Vlad but publicly identifying his views with Putin & Co. on a range of
things.  Worse, he did so while he continued to behave as though he had
something to hide--and while gratuitously attacking the U.S,. media that
made him a celebrity, the intelligence community, the Congress, etc. .

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