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NY Times Sunday Book Review, July 23 2017
On Thoreau’s 200th Birthday, a New Biography Pictures Him as a Man of Principle

A Life
By Laura Dassow Walls
Illustrated. 615 pp. University of Chicago Press. $35.

More than 50 years have passed since the publication of the last major biography of the iconic American author, naturalist, philosopher and social activist Henry David Thoreau, and this superb new book could not have come at a better time.

The author of “Walden” — an account of living for two years, two months and two days on the shores of Walden Pond in Concord, Mass. — was a mid-19th-century visionary besotted with the wonders of the natural world. Thoreau laid the groundwork for a field that would come to be known as ecology. He was one of the first advocates for the establishment of a system of national parks. He was a passionate champion of the ethical treatment of all living things and embraced the tenets of Eastern religion, incurring the wrath of fundamentalists who accused him of blasphemy.

And he was a man devoted to science who compiled 12 volumes of notes on the Native Americans of the northeastern United States, faithfully chronicled the dates of the flowering of plants (an important record today as the climate changes) and performed groundbreaking research into the succession of trees in burned and logged forests. Asked once why he was so eternally curious about things, Thoreau responded, “What else is there in life?”

Laura Dassow Walls’s exuberant biography, “Henry David Thoreau: A Life,” leaves the reader in no doubt how Thoreau might react to the current administration in Washington, filled as it is with people who deny the established physical science of global warming. Thoreau would pick up his pen to skewer them mercilessly, and — practicing what he preached in his essay “Civil Disobedience” — would probably take to the streets in protest. Born 200 years ago today, Thoreau, like his fellow Transcendentalists, propounded the philosophy of living “deliberately,” by which they meant weighing the moral consequences of one’s actions. We can easily imagine, then, what Thoreau might have to say about those who worship at the altar of fossil fuels, given the indisputable evidence that their combustion is now beginning to disrupt the stability of the climate and the very rhythm of the seasons.

Walls, the William P. and Hazel B. White professor of English at Notre Dame, paints a moving portrait of a brilliant, complex man. As she painstakingly demonstrates, Thoreau — who never married (“All nature is my bride”) and who died at the age of 44 — was anything but the recluse that some have made him out to be. He was a key member of the vibrant intellectual community of Concord and played an important public role in some of the great events of his time, notably the fight to abolish slavery.

One of the many pleasures of Walls’s book is how it transports us back to America in the first half of the 19th century, a time when remnants of Native American culture still existed in the Northeast, when New England’s forests were being destroyed and its rivers dammed (shall we “grub up” all our “national domains,” Thoreau asked) and when death from all manner of disease was ever-present. Born in Concord to a freethinking mother and a father who eventually became a prosperous pencil manufacturer, Thoreau entered Harvard as a retiring boy of 16 and emerged as a budding intellectual who read at least five languages. Returning to Concord, he came under the sway of the poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson, the founder of Transcendentalism, who believed that each individual contained a divine spark and had a responsibility to cultivate the higher aspects of his or her nature. Emerson urged Thoreau to seek solitude and keep a journal, and so the young man did, eventually writing more than two million words in his diaries, books, reports and articles.

He and his beloved older brother, John, founded an academy that was a notable early experiment in American education — a school that rejected corporal punishment and sought to teach not by rote but by igniting a student’s own love of learning. But it was John’s agonizing death at 26 — he contracted tetanus after slicing off a tiny piece of a finger while stropping a razor — that set Thoreau on the path that eventually led him to Walden Pond.

In his mid-20s, Thoreau — who worked periodically as a surveyor — enjoyed limited success publishing articles, some of them based on his travels in Maine and Massachusetts. These pieces were the start of a body of work that would make Thoreau a pioneer in what today is called nature writing. But he longed to be a pioneer of a different sort, Walls writes, “not a Western one, but an inward one.”

And so, seeking to “simplify, simplify,” he repaired to the shores of Walden Pond, where he built a one-room structure measuring 10 feet by 15 feet by 8 feet. On July 4, 1845, just shy of his 28th birthday, Thoreau moved in, opening his journal with the line, “Yesterday I came here to live.”

These words laid the groundwork for an American masterpiece, one in which Thoreau revels in the wonders of nature, his book echoing a theme he had sounded in an earlier work: “Surely joy is the condition of life!” Walls deftly sketches how Thoreau lived anything but a monastic life at Walden, noting that his cabin was in sight of the main road, that he entertained many guests, that trains regularly rumbled past on the new rail line to Boston and that he took dinner with his family once a week. Indeed, Walls writes, Thoreau was so much in the public eye at Walden that his retreat there “would forever remain an iconic work of performance art.”

Thoreau continued to write and lecture after he left Walden Pond. He and his family were active in the abolitionist movement, their home a stop on the Underground Railroad. Thoreau refused to pay a poll tax and spent a night in jail because he believed the tax funded the state-sponsored violence of slavery and the mistreatment of Mexicans and Native Americans. “Let your life,” he wrote, “be a counter-friction to stop the machine.” Witnessing the widespread destruction of nature as America’s industrial economy boomed, Thoreau lamented, “Trade curses everything it handles.”

“Walden” was published in 1854, and though it received generally favorable reviews, only about 2,000 copies of the book were sold during Thoreau’s lifetime. Indeed, he never enjoyed widespread popular or commercial success while he was alive. But he carried on, optimistic until the end, always remaining deeply rooted in Concord, Walden Pond and the surrounding woods that were not under assault. Thoreau needed nature as he did oxygen itself; in a book he was preparing for publication as he succumbed to tuberculosis, he wrote, “In wildness is the preservation of the world.”

He died with great equanimity. When asked by an aunt if he had made peace with God, Thoreau replied, “I did not know we had ever quarreled.”

The day before his death, Thoreau was visited by an old friend, who mentioned that he’d heard robins singing on his way there. In a whisper, Thoreau replied: “This is a beautiful world, but soon I shall see one that is fairer. I have so loved nature.”

Fen Montaigne is the senior editor at Yale Environment 360 and the author of “Fraser’s Penguins.”

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