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"This repertoire of autocratic rule is of course not new; what makes it
novel is its concerted and combined use by elected rulers – Putin, Erdoğan,
Orbán, Trump, Maduro, Duterte in the Philippines and Modi in India – who
are quite clearly engaged in a rapid, purposive and common project to
hollow out democracy".

 I have a lot of time for Mason and follow his twitter account avidly.  But
I note his list of dictators includes Maduro along side the likes of Orban
and Duterte. what this shows is how successful the "velvet revolution"
tactic has been In Venezuela.

I am inclined to read the present conjuncture as one where the decay of the
Neoliberal Centre is such that we are in the midst of the struggle to
create a new centre.  Corbynism would give us, or attempt to give us, a
quasi-Keynesian Centre. And, to be frank, I would settle for that in a
heart beat.  But of course I am not saying that the ruling class would
accept it as well. Nor do I believe for one minute that the capitalist
class can simply be legislated into civility and decency. A Corbyn
government will be a crisis government.

For me Venezuela represents a more likely path.  My reading of it is that
the events in Venezuela are about doubling down on the old neoliberal
centre. Pinochet played a vanguard role in creating the neoliberal centre
that spread around the world. The opposition in Venezuela could do the same
and herald in an era of quite vicious reaction.



On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 10:12 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jul/31/democr
> acy-dying-people-worried-putin-erdogan-trump-world
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